View Full Version : Switching off

10-09-08, 16:58
This is going to sound so silly, but I am having a bad anxiety time at the moment, which ws triggered by some changes in hormone balances (I have a defunct pituitary gland and tablets were recently changed - have seen specialist).

One of the main things that gets me is feeling like I have a tight band around my chest. I also feel like I am concentrating on my breathing all the time. Like if I stop thinking about it I will stop breathing. This is altering my natural breathing patterns.

How on earth do I stop my brain thinking about this all the time. In particular it is bad when I am in bed (haven't really slept for 3 weeks), at which point I am aware of my heart pounding away in my ears.

Breathing exercises don't seem to work, as they are making me more aware of something i need to forget about. Distraction is temporary and I can't do much atm, as i have been ill and am quite weak.

Normally I deal with my anxiety through walking the dog or looking after/riding the pony, which really works for me.

Any advice would be appreciated!!

10-09-08, 17:08
Hi pepper,
My breathing is always the first thing to be affected when i feel anxious, (feeling like you have to take large breaths instead of just breathing normally) then my chest gets tight and i get lack of oxygen to my brain and i feel very tired and dizzy as a result. You have other problems aswell but i can't really comment on this cos i know very little about it.

Just wanted to give you a bit of comfort and sympathy in the hope that it will make you feel better chuck.
BIG HUGS!:bighug1:

Hope you feel better soon!!

milly jones
10-09-08, 17:24
ive heard anx described as like an asthma attack

just wednesday hugs to u hunny

mill xxx

11-09-08, 11:01
Hi there, I'm new on here but I know exactly what you are goining through with your breathing. I am constantly watching my breathing, I panic that I can't breathe properly which brings on my anxiety. This is daily for me at the minute even though I'm at work and am distracted i still can't stop thinking about it! Sorry this isn't helpful but you are not the only one.xxx:yesyes: