View Full Version : Throat and tonsil problem please help!

10-09-08, 17:04

rough outline im 24 years old, i dont smoke or drink, i lost my dad to lung cancer back in feb 2006, was a complete shock as he never smoked or drank, and it was all very quick and i miss him terribly.i coped reasonably well at the time and got engaged at the beggining of this year.

well this year in june a wild bunny we had in our garden died, for a couple of days i was holding back my emotions cause of work and was very upset about loosing him and in my lunch hour where i was rushing about getting things done i felt like something went in my throat, i had my lunch and it seemed to go but came back again that evening again it didnt last long. i went to the doctors the next day as i was off to a wedding that weekend got checked out and everything look fine, and just felt like i had a cold. for the whole of the following week i felt like something was stuck in my throat, i kept looking in the mirror couldnt see a thing then noticed i had a small hole in my tonsil with white stuff, i got it checked out and was told by a throat therapist that i have chronic tonsiltus, i have always had one larger tonsil but its never bothered me before in my life and that i should consider my tonsils comming out.the idea of that op scared me to death and i really dont fancy it at the moment partly cause i read online whats involved and im a very scared easily person.seeing the throat therapist scared me silly as she was very a matter of a fact. i was put on antibiotics but that didnt seem to help my throat swallowing problem, i went back to the doctor who said that the throat swallowing was unrelated to my tonsils and probably stress.that i didnt need to rush out and get my tonsils removed as he knew my health history better than anyone and i might find my tonsil might shrink and therefore its pointless to remove it plus he said see how things go over the next couple of years. i had a blood test to check to see if i had the strepaccous virus to stop me getting that rheumtic fever which the results showed i had levels of antibodies fighting it and had to wait another three weeks before another blood test which thankfully has come back clear, otherwise i would have had to go on penacillin injections for 3-5 years, however i still have this throat swallowing problem, it went for 4 days on holiday but is back with avengance.i did have a week free of it in august and two weeks free of it in july so why have i got it now?

i feel like im being strangled all the time and its reduced me to tears on several occasions, i mean is it delayed bereavment from 2 years ago of loosing my dad, am i going crazy? could it be the tonsil causing this?? im usually ok and not depressed that easily,i got my tonsil looked at three weeks ago and the doctor said they look normal, yes ones bigger than the other but its not blocking anything and isnt massive or in a bad state,i have tried rescue remedy,i have tried gargling with anadin. the only time im free is when im asleep.i have to admit i hate my job but i wouldnt say its stressfull and a lot of the time i get to go online. maybe i have too much time to think but how do you get the sensation out of you head when it never goes????i just feel like i want to rip that tonsil out as its on the same side.

please help has anyone had anything simular???

10-09-08, 18:17
Try not to worry too much, the anxiety causes the lump feeling in the throat, it will have absolutely nothing to do with your tonsils, i find when my anx is at its highest i get the lump feeling, and the way i look at it is you had a week free of it in august, if it was anything serious it wouldn't disappear for a week and then come back. If your doc thought it was anything serious he would have referred you, you will probably find that when you stop worrying about it it will disappear, the more you think about it the more it will always feel like its there.

If you do feel so worried ask your doc to refer you

i'm so sorry to hear that you lost your dad and yes this feeling in your throat could very well be a delayed reaction to that time

di xx

10-09-08, 23:10
I agree with everything Diane has told you hun
this is more down to anx and stress than anything

10-09-08, 23:13
I have had this for over 3 years now - look up my posts.

I am being referred to a speech therapist now as mine is so so bad at the moment.

I have huge tonsils as well - the doc and dentist told me that so it may add to the problem.

11-09-08, 09:12
thank you all for taking the time to view my thread.i appreciate it.

im just desperate to find someone that can say yes i have had that, its ok and it will go and that im not going mad.

i feel like i cant look forward to anything which is not like me.

at the moment my tooths playing up in the opposite side i think its the wisdom tooth. weird thing was when it was hurting a few weeks back it was like id have the morning with tooth pain then no throat discomfort then the other way round.

i just feel such a mess.i swear the doctors think im a hypocondriac not something i have ever been in the past.

24-11-08, 19:48
I am new to this forum. I have a similar problem. I am 29 years old. 3 days ago I noticed a Lump on my left tonsil. I am very scared. I am on a Work assignment here in Sweden for 6 months and so medical here is exteremely expensive for me unlike the citizens. A doctor visit just an appint ment costs me 120 euros, each test etc separate. I visited a doctor earlier here for another problem and the doctor just sent me back with some pain killers. I had sprained my ankle.
I fear even if I go to a doctor, I do not think they would prescribe me anything more than an antibiotic treatment first on this. So I took matters in my own hand. I arranged for an antibiotic Ciprodac 500mg by taking advice of an old friend in my home country who has become a doctor ENT now. I have completed it for 3 days and the tonsil swelling redness has gone but the white lump remains, though looks little shrunk. Also I am eating some vitamins with this and good diet of green leafy veges broccli etc.
Please see photos on the link I have pasted here of my tonsils presently.
I am open to any advice.
Does this look like cancer or it is just I am beein paranoid and hypocondraic.
If this asks for a login etc pl put your e-mail id and I can share the link to you personally. I am extremely worried especially for my family my 2 year kid and my wife. If I escape this I think I am a totally changed man. These last 3 days have transformed my thinking about life .... help ...

24-11-08, 21:10
I couldnt see any white lump sorry.but i could see somethink which i think needs to be seen by a doctor it proberly isnt cancer,dnt fear!! but it could b a cyst of some kind.... i knw its expensive but isnt there some way they could see u if u say u are over there on work and need to have a look at ur tonsil problem.?! id ask or maybe pop into a pharmist(chemist) and ask for someone to take a look or even a dentist!!i knw u proberly think im nuts but u need to b lookd at.dnt panic its not serious,but i cudnt see very good you see.but there is somethink there but that ould b normal.does it hurt where the lump is?...best wishes C.xx

24-11-08, 21:16
Also have u heard of tonsil stones before? because they are little pockets of puss that hide inside in the tonsil crypts and are lil pockets of puss frm food etc that jus get clogged in ur tonsil crypts and they are very common. they are usualy white/yellowish and stick on the tonsils but do disapear within time...love C.xx try and explain what they look like but i still do think ur gna ave to ask a professional

24-11-08, 21:22
I am new to this forum. I have a similar problem. I am 29 years old. 3 days ago I noticed a Lump on my left tonsil. I am very scared. I am on a Work assignment here in Sweden for 6 months and so medical here is exteremely expensive for me unlike the citizens. A doctor visit just an appint ment costs me 120 euros, each test etc separate. I visited a doctor earlier here for another problem and the doctor just sent me back with some pain killers. I had sprained my ankle.
I fear even if I go to a doctor, I do not think they would prescribe me anything more than an antibiotic treatment first on this. So I took matters in my own hand. I arranged for an antibiotic Ciprodac 500mg by taking advice of an old friend in my home country who has become a doctor ENT now. I have completed it for 3 days and the tonsil swelling redness has gone but the white lump remains, though looks little shrunk. Also I am eating some vitamins with this and good diet of green leafy veges broccli etc.
Please see photos on the link I have pasted here of my tonsils presently.
I am open to any advice.
Does this look like cancer or it is just I am beein paranoid and hypocondraic.
If this asks for a login etc pl put your e-mail id and I can share the link to you personally. I am extremely worried especially for my family my 2 year kid and my wife. If I escape this I think I am a totally changed man. These last 3 days have transformed my thinking about life .... help ...

Hi there. :)

I am really sorry to hear that you are so worried but to be honest, I don't think this is really the best place to post links to pictures of your tonsils.
As far as I'm aware there aren't any cancer specialists here on the forum and I'm not sure if there are any doctors either.
It sounds like you may have an infection as it seems to be responding to antibiotics, I understand how expensive it is for a visit to the doctor but at least that way you will have had a professional opinion.
Good luck :)

24-11-08, 21:41

I know exactly the way you are feeling. I also get that feeling when I am anxious and ready to have an attack. I have had it now for the last two days and I know how terrible it must be for you. It actually feels like someone has their hands around your throat and are squeezing hard. Try not to worry too much about it. Hopefully it will pass soon and you will begin to feel a little more relaxed.