View Full Version : Are these floaters or something more serious?

10-09-08, 18:16
Hi everyone

I have had floaters in my right eye for some time but because I am so scared that they are a sign of something more serious, I seem to have got even more. When I look at a white background they are like brown/black hairs (some look like fish scales!) and they float down and across my vision. I don't seem to have any in my left eye. Why are they there all the time if they are just floaters - I've had them for ages now.

As usual with me I am terrified of having my eyes tested - haven't been for about 16 years - as they might tell me I've got a brain tumour/ms/high bp etc etc.

Has anyone else had these?

Nikki x

10-09-08, 19:07
hi nikkixx,
i have them also in my eyes, in one eye worse than the other. when i read or look aginst a white backround, read anything on white paper, and i can see them now as i'm writting this. also when i look in the sky on a clear day i see them. i get eye exams once a year because i wear contacts and the eye doctor has never said anything about them. they can increase as you get older. i know its scary but you should be fine, but you should go to the eye doctor for some peace of mind. :) your gonna be fine!!!!!

10-09-08, 19:16
hey i ahve got floters in both my eyes aswell have had them for years and am only 19 everyone gets them i have regular eyecheck ups and mine are finr nothing to worry about.most of my family hav them n there all fine aswell: jus one of those things xxx

10-09-08, 19:21
Hi Nikki,
I noticed the floaters in my eyes and went to the optician right away. I got a full check-up and was told that they are harmless.
They are annoying though.


10-09-08, 19:50
You must get your eyes tested regularly. You may need glasses if you are straining them.

It is highly unlikely you have any of those things.

Defo get a check done though as 16 years is a long long time.

11-09-08, 06:53
I have weird vision all of the time, so try not to worry. Do go to the opticians though as regular check ups are a good thing. I have all kinds of floaters and when I went to the opticians he said they were nothing to worry about but I did need to wear my glasses all the time (long sighted).

Good Luck.

11-09-08, 16:13
I started with this myself back in january so i went to the opticians about it. He tested my eyes and said that there was nothing to worry about. i go back again in a few weeks (my choice to go back every 6 mths). I don't think you have anything to worry about but you should pay a visit to your optician just to have it checked out (and put your mind at rest) like i did!!
hope this helped x

11-09-08, 20:05
Hi there,

I have had anxiety for about 7 years.

I had been suffering for about 3 weeks with breathlessness and yawning due to anxiety, and this only started when I read a magazine article about Madonna having panic attacks when she is performing and feeling the audience is breathing up all the air:shrug: soon as I read it i felt panicky and started gulping air.

Then I went for an eye test-everything was fine and no change it my prescription-during the test the optician said 'You have got quite a lot floaters in your eyes they are absolutely nothing at all to worry about'

THANKS A LOT:mad: I wasnt worried before I went in there I couldnt even see the floaters till she mentioned them, now I am in a total panic have blinding headaches can hardly see for the 'floaters' and am throughly FED UP. I know she was only trying to be helpful but why mention it (especially to a nut like me)

It seemd like there is always some 'health bomb' just ticking away waiting for me to trad on it BOOOM!!!!