View Full Version : Itchy Eyes, Weird SNeezing patterns, and a lump.

10-09-08, 18:53
Ok so for the past 3 weeks, I have had itchy eyes on and off. I am also get very itchyn nostril (like the inside) on and off and if I mess with my nose, I sneeze a lot. My sneezing has increased a lot and sometimes I get mucus and a runny nose with it, but sometimes it's just an itchy nose followed by sneezing..

Also--last night I noticed this sore lump under my ear, and on top of my neck on the right side, it's very small..I can't see it---it's under my skin but kinda sore.

I keep thinking I have cancer of the sinuses or brain cancer or cancer in my ear(idk if that one even exists!).


10-09-08, 19:03
Just wanted to add--- my sneezing can dissappear for a day or two and then it comes back again, same with the itchy eyes, which seem to be accompanied by the sneezing...and the sneezing is usually dry---you know, rarely causes a runny nose.

10-09-08, 19:30
Hiya hun

I would say that's a definate allergy to something but finding out what can be the tricky part.

Ask your doctor for the allergy test and i bet it will throw something up.

Love Lisa

10-09-08, 19:38
Hi I have a dust allergy and it sounds just like this. Anna

10-09-08, 20:30
p.s Yanks....meant to say that allergies can develop at any stage in our lives so maybe something you have'nt been allergic to before is now the cause!! Just a thought xxxx

10-09-08, 20:57
Def sounds like an allergy to me, and allergic reaction can make your lymph nodes swell which might explain the lump under your ear. You could try an over-the-counter antihistamine or talk to your doctor.

15-09-08, 16:38
Ok I talked to my doctor...he saw the lump and he thinks I have some kind of an infection, perhaps an ear infection or something with my ENT so he gave me antibiotics. The sneezing is still happening occasionally and so is the itchy eyes.

The lump is still there and only on the right side...but it's not sore anymore.

Anyway today I've had this weird pressure feeling in my forehead and between my eyes..as well as this derealization kinda dizziness in my head and some pressure and I'm scared again...thinking it's lymphoma or a brain tumor. I had a headache 4 days ago and I keep relating everything.

Now the pressure is on the right side of my head and around that lump.

ugh. :(

16-09-08, 05:34
An infection's probably better than an allergy, it might go away quicker :). The pressure in your forehead/between your eyes is almost certain to be your sinuses. I've had a viral infection on the right side of my sinuses and right ear for over 10 weeks (it's almost now, at last), with swollen lymph nodes - the right node under my jaw swollen more than the left. The nodes hurt on and off during that time. Usually when they start swelling they hurt, then they settle down into attack mode and stay swollen, but don't hurt any more.

Sinus pressure can make you feel dizzy, and your eustachian tube or right ear might be infected too, also a sure cause of dizziness. Try breathing in some steam, taking decongestants tablets or a decongestant nasal spray or drops. The sinus pressure can give you headaches too so don't worry if the headache comes back.

Please try not to worry re brain tumour etc. If the doctor thought you were displaying any symptoms that he thought even held the chance of pointing to a brain tumour he would have sent you for more tests. Your symptoms sound like a classic ENT type infection.

17-09-08, 16:06
Thanks LeeBee for the reassurance.

The weird derealization type feeling has been a lot less today...but the past three days, after I wake up, and the days go on-- my head becomes really tense, and my scalp and the top of my head get sore and hurts...I also get a tense feeling around and in between my eyes and temples and feel like I need to close my eyes...Idk can't describe the rest.

I don't feel congested anymore and the sneeziing it down to like 5 a day. I am getting some "shhhhhhhhhh" kinda annoying sounds in my left ear when I lay on that side...and extreme itching type irritation very deep in my ears, so deep that I could never reason it...and also the right side of my neck is very tense.

I'm just SO SICK of the tense and weird head. Trying very hard not to think it's cancer. Head feeling like I've studied too long and stayed up too long or cried too hard...neck is tense...eyes are sore and tense.

WTF IS THIS!!!!!!!?????????

btw- the lump is still there, it's not sore, but the area around it is tense and sore...btw my left ear, the one with the "shhhhhhhhh" sounds, sometimes feels like it popped and sometimes when I eat it feels like it's clicking.

17-09-08, 19:57
I still feel it. Idk if this is anxiety. It feels as if I can't concentrate and then at times as if I'm concentrating and straining too hard...

I'm starting to get anxious anout this and my heart is raching.

My mind feels lost.

17-09-08, 21:10
Aw yanksf, hugs :hugs:

I know it's hard to stop focusing on your symptoms, believe me. All the clicking, pressure, tension in the neck etc etc is just the infection in your sinuses and/or ear. The infection will be making you feel generally blurry and bleary - hence the difficulty concentrating and the muzzy-headed feeling. I totally had all of those symptoms during my infection.

Even though you don't feel so congested, there might still be a lot of mucus sitting around in your sinuses and eustachian tubes which will make your head feel pressured and cause the clicking noises as it moves around. Go easy on yourself while your body fights the infection - lots of sleep, fluids, nutritious food. Keep your head elevated with an extra pillow or something in bed cos the congestion builds up while you're lying down, that's probably why your head feels pressured/tense when you wake up. I highly recommend breathing in some steam (from a bowl, towel over your head). It'll clear your congestion and it's very soothing too. :)

18-09-08, 20:05
Thank you LeeBee. You're so sweet. I love this forum.

I described my head to my doctor today (he's also my uncle, btw). He said the lump is "no big deal". He doesn't seem worried about it. Also the head he said sounds like I need some glucose and sugar in me so he told me to drink some of that glucose stuff in water and wait an hour to see how I feel. He thinks it might be low BP and if I keep feeling this way he'll check my BP.

The sneezing returned for a while today....like 4 of them in an hour, and then dissappeared again.

I had the tense dizzy head a bit today, I guess not as much as yesterday. Yesterdaty was just bizarre!!

My uncle (doc, lol, yea) does not seem very worried at all. He said it's not an ear infection cuz I'm still able to hear fully and my ears dont hurt, but it could still be something up in my ENT cuz there are so many parts in there.

Im trying to calm down. I can still function fully...i feel bleary at times but it's not like Im shaky and cant do anyting. Trying very hard not to think it's a brain tumor...haven't had a single headache in 6 days and the one I had 6 days ago was a baby headache...went away when I went to sleep (had no sleep the previous night).

Eyes feel pressured but vision is perfect...no strange reactions to light either.