View Full Version : pins and needles

10-09-08, 21:01
hi i recently posted a thread abt my fear of havin a brain tumor well this morning i woke up and i went to stretch my arms when i got this pain in my wrist along with pins and needled in fingers it only lasted a couple of hours and only wen i stretchd my arm i was wondering if any 1 cud tell me wat could b cozn this???? as i am even more convinced its a symptom of a brain tumor :weep: i dont want to die my kids r just small this whole subject is freakin me out and its affectin my everyday life as i think what hapns if i go out and the brain tumor kills me also i dont want to pass out in public even though i have never passed out before and i i do want to go to the docs but at the same time the docs scare me my panic has went from fearing am having a heart attack to a brain tumor as i get head pains sometimes feeling like iam walkin on a boat no tht often i gt tht feelin of walkin on a boat but wen i do it makes me feel sick and i hav a panic attack the doc said to me before i suffer frm health anxiety which i knw i do but he didnt give me anything just told me how to calm myself down iam usually fine its just wen i get theses horrible pains i start freakin out so any advice wud b great i dont google any more as i did used to and tht made things worse and my hubby threatnd to get the internet cut off if i didnt stop looking up illness especially brain tumors:roflmao: sorry to go on guys but no 1 every takes me serious abt this brain tumor thing i wud do anything to go bck to b normal and obsession abt every ache and pain x

10-09-08, 21:16
It could be carpal tunnel syndrome - the doc can do a simple test for that.

It is NOT a brain tumour!