View Full Version : Driving Jobs

11-09-08, 03:52
Has anyone had any experience of applying for professional driving jobs, having had medical treatment for anxiety/stress/depression?

When I was made redundant, I was seriously going have a change of career and to put in for my HGV test and become a lorry driver.

I'm already technically qualified to drive up to 7.5 tonne, and I've got all the tachograph knowledge, etc.

But a couple of job interviews I've been on lately, the application form specifically asks if (the applicant) has been treated for depression or stress.
I wonder if it is something that companies (and even the DVLA) consider a prohibitive risk. Perhaps they consider the risk of stress induced road-rage or depression-induced suicidal thoughts, whilst driving a huge lorry down the motorway, is something to disqualify anyone from being employed as a lorry driver?

Has anyone any knowledge of these issues?

11-09-08, 10:15

I have no experience of applying for these jobs but Im an HR Manager and we employ minibus drivers so thought I would offer my opinion.

Depression/stress should not automatically exclude you from any job, including driving. Its quite common practice nowadays to ask applicants for their medical history, just so the employer knows what they are getting and most importantly can be pro active in offering support where needed. It may be that they have had a bad experience with a previous employee that was depressed or stressed and thats why they are asking.

I dont know your history but if there is space on the form, I would suggest that you include any information about your previous problems that might help them make a decision in your favour. For example, if you had treatment and are now 'recovered' or explaining that your illness was not related to work pressures but other factors that are unlikley to recur. If they want to talk to you about it, try not to focus on what was wrong then but how much better you are now and how you are in a position to cope with the stresses and strains of the job.

If you do feel you need any special support or allowances from them, be upfront about it. If they can see you are being honest and your requests are reasonable, they are much more likely to give you a chance.

Anyway, good luck with your job hunting! I hope you find something soon


11-09-08, 16:31
I'd personally lie/tick no, but thats just me.
I took my C and C+E tests, and passed whilst stressed and depressed, and im pretty sure i had to have a medical as part of the test:unsure: at least i think i did, was a few years ago and my memory kinda sucks, but im sure i paid £15 as part of a medical like cabbies do.

Unless you think your anxiety is bad enough to really affect how you drive a lorry i'd tick no.

I only had one hgv job and i remember questions about eyesight and heart problems, but no stress or anxiety or depression questions.

I'd feel uncomfortable telling a potential employer this information as it would stress me out more thinking they could be having a good laugh about it reading the application:scared15:

Anyhow, whatever you decide, good luck :)

11-09-08, 16:55

It is standard procedure with any job to do a health questionnaire and they all ask about anxiety, depression etc...
it is nothing to do with the DVLA (otherwise a hell of a lot of people would not be allowed on the road). I find it best to be honest, which is what i did recently. I applied for a job & got an interview, i filled in that i had anxiety and was been medicated for this. After my interview i was asked if i had anything to add. I explained a little about my anxiety and assurred them that i was capable of holding down this job and said that a job would help me regain my confidence. I GOT THE JOB! Out of 160 that applied.
I think that should give you some reassurance.


12-09-08, 00:38
Thanks for the replies.