View Full Version : Pins and needles in big toe

11-09-08, 06:45
Hi all,

I laid down last night to go to bed and notices my big to and little toe on my right foot was numb and had pins and needles.

My little toe is ok now, but my big toe is still like it. I've woken up all panicky, with my head telling me it could be serious.

Does anyone else get this? If I get it in my hands or arms I dont worry, but to have in just my big toe is worrying me.

Thanks all


11-09-08, 08:43
If it comes and goes it's probably fine, if it's constant for like a week, or you get pain then see a doc. I think transient pins and needles is usually a circulation thing, a temporarily compressed nerve or a symptom of hyperventilation. :)