View Full Version : Can anyone explain please

11-09-08, 10:34
I'm working really hard with the anxiety and thank goodness i had a much better hour last night where my body and mind were calmer, sadly it hasn't lasted as i'm full of panic again today. Can anyone explain if i've got this right please as i'm trying to understand what people say when they tell me that its NOT the thought that scares me but the reaction i get to it, i find this hard as whenever the 'i'm possessed' thought comes in i panic so therefore it does seem to be the thought itself. I know others get different thoughts so if maybe i put the thought in of maybe a health issue or something else it has no reaction so is that what they mean?

Some also say that if the anxiety goes i could still have the thoughts, this scares me as i still don't want it constantly in my mind even without anxiety and panic. I never know if i explain myself but the thoughts seem so believeable and real when they come and i don't know if you all feel the same when you get yours. Thanks as always, Carol.

11-09-08, 10:46
The way I 'hear' it is that if you fear the anxiety it just puts more fuel on the fire and makes the fear worse. The idea is to tell the anxiety that it's unimportant and although you know it's there you're going to ignore it.

Difficult to put into practise though as I'm trying to do that right now after having a couple of really sticky days :weep:

Hope that helps :)