View Full Version : Is this just a hiccup???

11-09-08, 10:49
I don't understand. I've been taking medication since about March for Anxiety and Depression. Just when I think I've got the meds right as I've been OK for several weeks the anxiety comes and smacks my between the eyes again!!!!!!!

I begin thinking why when I'm still taking the meds correctly should that happen?? I then find it really hard to get back on track again :weep:

Does this happen to anyone else and how do you cope? thanks :hugs:

milly jones
11-09-08, 12:15
yues hun it happens to all of us

but pls remember that everyone in the world feels anx, its just that we appear to be affected more strongly than others.

its normal for anx to effect everyone, we all have ups and downs

so ppl with anx get those ups and downs as well, and quite often we 'forget' that we have it so when it returns it hits u hard

tomorrows another day

forget and move on hunny, dont let it eat u up


milly xx

11-09-08, 12:51
Hi Caz!

I could have written this thread!

Yes, i promise you thas its really really normal for this to happen! At the moment i am exactly in your position taking meds, doing well and then BANG suddenly feel terrible again, and guess what it feels even worse than you can possibly remember because you've had a taste of being well again!!!

The only difference between us is that ive had lots of blips in my recovery and have spoken to my psychiatrist about it.
She said the nature of recovery is feeling abit better, then maybe a bad spell, then feeling abit better, then a lesser bad spell...... etc... each time the feeling better should be longer and nicer and the feeling worse should be shorter and less distressing. Until one day you stay on a pretty even keel. Of course im not saying you will have loads of blips, some people dont get any but this is a typical cycle (it makes you even more normal!).

I am in a bad spell at the moment, and although ive just typed all the above i still have the dark thought that this time im never going to come out of it, but i did last time and i will this time, unfortuntely what it takes is time which is so hard!:hugs:

So i promise you, you sooooo arent alone and this is just a blip, the sun is shining round the corner, just wait a little bit longer for it, its coming :) .

POPSY x x x x

PS Keep posting on here, it has been a lifeline for me during my worse times and i have made some amazing supportive friends here. PM me anytime hunny x x x

11-09-08, 20:00
Popsy and Milly thank you so very much for your replies :hugs:

Popsy, you've made my day!!!!! I feel so much better for reading your struggle, thank you :hugs: It's so nice to know that I'm not alone and that it's perfectly normal too :D My anxiety gets better as the day goes on but then it always did do, even in the early days.

I hope you start to feel better soon tooooooooo :bighug: and I may take you up on your offer of sending a pm ;)

11-09-08, 20:21
Hi Caz :)
Can i ask what meds you are takeing?
Im new to this site and new to meds, i discovered this site while looking up my meds before i took them. ( propranolol 80mg, and was also given seven diazepam tablets )
I read that our bodies build up a tolerance to certain meds so they of course have a lessening effect on us gradually.

I felt like absolute poop yesterday and made my first post on these boards, felt right as rain ten minutes after posting it :) Seems, for me at least, NMP message boards work better than my meds:yesyes:

I hope things get better for you,
Take care

12-09-08, 12:43
LostTomorrow, sorry to butt in! Just to let you know our bodies can build up an intolerace to diazapam but not to anti-depressents. Hope that helps :)

12-09-08, 13:09
Hi Caz

I don't take medication but I do know that I get many good weeks now when the anxiety is low but then out of the blue it flares up and I think I have gone right back to the start again. I call these blips and if you try to just work through them I find I come out the other end even stronger .

Hope you feel better soon.


12-09-08, 16:49
Hi Caz :)
Can i ask what meds you are takeing?
Im new to this site and new to meds, i discovered this site while looking up my meds before i took them. ( propranolol 80mg, and was also given seven diazepam tablets )
I read that our bodies build up a tolerance to certain meds so they of course have a lessening effect on us gradually.

I felt like absolute poop yesterday and made my first post on these boards, felt right as rain ten minutes after posting it :) Seems, for me at least, NMP message boards work better than my meds:yesyes:

I hope things get better for you,
Take care

Hi, I take Citalopram 60mg, Lorazepam 3mg and propranolol 120mg. Started taking the Prop when the Lorazepam didn't seem to be doing its job or I needed something extra (not sure which) but I know I have to withdraw VERY gradually from them and I'm not ready to do that yet, but I will ;)

Im also about to attend an Anxiety Management Course which I hope will at least give me some tools to help deal with it when I'm not taking pills anymore! I'm trying to grab all the help I can get to get better :)

Hi Caz

I don't take medication but I do know that I get many good weeks now when the anxiety is low but then out of the blue it flares up and I think I have gone right back to the start again. I call these blips and if you try to just work through them I find I come out the other end even stronger .

Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks for those kind words Carol (good name that :winks: ). I've been calling my latest episode a 'blip' also and I hope that's what it is :shades:

Hope everyone manages to have a stressfree weekend :)