View Full Version : Where I am at

11-09-08, 11:43

Sorry this may seem long winded and i have only just joined so not sure it is the best time to post this up, but here goes.

I seem to have some problems dealing with stress in my life, it seems to snowball into anxiety and panic attacks without me even realising. One minute I feel ok and the next i am struggling :blush:

I have just finished a cycle of ivf and recently had 2 embryos implanted and thought i was coping really well. Then bam out of the blue i started to feel shaky, nervy and panicky. I dont like hospitals, drs or any of the above because i am always convinced that the worst is going to happen and i am going to find out i am dying (sounds so silly when i actually admit this outloud!) Due to the fact i am younger i begun to over stimuate which can become dangerous and had to have my self hormone injection levels cut down. The dr collected 15 eggs which is pretty high and was concerned i may get something called over hyperstimulation syndrome (ohss) so of course, off i went convincing myself i was going to get it and starting to panic!

One of the signs is breathlessnes so almost instantly i begun to feel breathless, like i couldnt get enough air in, breathe deeply enough and then came the worry i was getting ill. Logically i do believe that this has been brought on by anxiety and that alone. I have spoken to the hospital but i dont have any of the other symptoms so they aint too worried.

Last night this lead me to have another panic attack which found me looking for some support and here. Just dont know how to deal with all of this stress and dont know how to calm myself down to stop the breathlessness and attacks.

Sorry i feel like i am rambling on but thank you for listening :wacko:

Jacqui x

11-09-08, 13:59
I really think you have a right to be panicked right now. If I read this right you are trying to have a baby. That in itself can be stressful when done the non medical way. Are you getting panic because this might not work? Relax yourself and this will all work out. I know its easier said than done but you can do it, look at all you are going through now. Try some deep breathing and some time out just for you. Take care honey, this will all work itself out.

11-09-08, 15:36
Hi Jacqui, you are going through such an eventful time at the minute, no wonder you're feeling stressed and paniky. IVF cannot be easy and i understand that it is a long and drawn out procedure (my in-laws are going through the same thing). Your body is going through a hell of a lot, both physically and emotionally. The breathlesness that you describe is a common symptom of anxiety and i think you know that already. You need to try and calm yourself down and relax, however, you need to summon up the courage to tell someone close to you so that they can give you support. I know you arent bothered about doctors but you must pay yours a visit. I'm sure you will find this very reassurring and your doctor will appreciate the stressful time you are having right now........ he will be able to help you.
In the meantime keep popping in to NMP as we'r all happy to help (as much as we can)
Take care chuck, here's a hug..........:bighug1:

12-09-08, 10:40
Thank you both for your support :)

No its definitley not an easy thing and pretty stressful, just trying to find positive ways of channeling that stress and blocking it leading into anxiety and panic :huh:

Hoping that by reading through some of the things around here it can maybe give me a better undertanding of some of the positive things i can be doing. Or thats the idea anyway!

I have been thinking about hypnotherapy as a way to help relieve anxiety, anyone around here tried that out?

Thanks again
Jacqui x