View Full Version : Can anyone take time to offer advice plaese?

11-09-08, 13:41
Hi all,

I am suffering with bad stomach aches for the last 3 weeks now, along with the dull achey feelings that come and go, i get alot of heartburn, and my stomach bloats out every now and then, also i seem to feel sick but have not been sick. The pain in the stomach is more like a dull gripey ache, not a sharp stabbing pain. but this has gone on a while now, and its getting me down, all i wanna do is sleep, im yawning alot and and i cant be bothered to even go into work some times. Does anyone have any advice plaese.


milly jones
11-09-08, 13:56
just wondered if uve been to ur gp

if ur tummy has been hurting for so long then i would suggest a visit as 3 weeks is a long time

milly xxx

11-09-08, 14:35
yeah i went last week, they said it prob my ibs, but i have not had the pain symptom before, thats making me anxious.

11-09-08, 15:11
Hya .......I had IBS terrible in my 20s and still get it occasionally now .

1 thing I had 2 do was a food diary and I had 2 write everything I ate down and I mean everything so even if it was a little sweet or a piece of chocolate I wrote it down ....This helped me learn the things that irritated my IBS and 1 of the main things 4 me were tomatoes....I never realised until I did diary x

Titchjd xxx

11-09-08, 21:52
Hi all,

I am suffering with bad stomach aches for the last 3 weeks now, along with the dull achey feelings that come and go, i get alot of heartburn, and my stomach bloats out every now and then, also i seem to feel sick but have not been sick. The pain in the stomach is more like a dull gripey ache, not a sharp stabbing pain. but this has gone on a while now, and its getting me down, all i wanna do is sleep, im yawning alot and and i cant be bothered to even go into work some times. Does anyone have any advice plaese.


Hi there! I get this and with me it's excess acid in the stomach, anxiety related (your syptoms give it away, bloating, gripey pain etc). I don't suppose you get a burning, prickly sensation in the upper tum as well do you? Your GP can give you prescription medication or you can go to your pharmacy and ask them for something for excess acid. A glass of milk in the meantime won't hurt, as well as eating some rice dishes. I heard that rice can help soak up the excess acid.

I hope you feel better soon!:yesyes:

11-09-08, 22:47
The yawning a lot id definately anxiety, I get IBS but yawning is one of my latest symptoms-I would see your GP 3 weeks is a long time to be in pain & not ALL symptoms are anx related!

11-09-08, 22:58
It could be anything to be honest

I have had bad pains and it was acid indigestion at one point.

Then I have them and it IBS and Crohns

Now it is ovarian cyst and fibroids.

You have to see doc and get it checked cos it could be anything!