View Full Version : hi, i'm new!!

11-09-08, 22:26

I am new so just wanted to introduce myself. I am a 24 year old girl who has been pretty anxious all my life....when I was a child I used to worry about a meteorite hitting the world and killing us, and also about my house burning down!!

Now I just worry a lot in general! I am also a bit of a hypochondriac....found this site when 'googling' some ailment I had, and I knew it was a good site for me when I read a section on Health Anxiety that says; "remember, Google is NOT a doctor" LOL it made me laugh, because I didn't really think there were others that did that.... Ha ha.

But seriously, I have read a lot of the articles I think it is a brilliant site that could help me a lot, and also will be nice to speak to fellow sufferers...not many of my friends or my partner really seem to 'get' how I worry so!!

Ok nice to meet you all.....xxxx

11-09-08, 22:40
lol google really is the worst! its nice to meet you. Stay away from google :)

11-09-08, 22:51
Hi Chilli

I just wanted to say :welcome: and I hope we can be of some help.

Google is banned lol

11-09-08, 23:42
Hi there, & :welcome: to NMP
while Google is great for some things, it is'nt great for others, especially what you use it for. (we'r all guilty tho).
Hope you will be happy here.
Take care chuck.

12-09-08, 00:12
I joined NMP last week and have educated myself a lot since. It's nice to know that what's happening to you is really "normal" and you're not alone.

take care

12-09-08, 08:29
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, and its always good to remember tht google is not a doctor, i always tend to forget that xx

12-09-08, 13:11
Hello Chilli And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
12-09-08, 16:48
we all get how u feel hun


milly xxx

12-09-08, 17:02
ha ha ha how I love to google things!! My wisdom tooth was killng me last week and I did some googling and BINGO! Salt water every hour, good as new!! Well, it is new, but ya get me!!!

Its not all bad!!! lol,

any way, sorry HI :)

he he xxxxxxxxxx

12-09-08, 17:15
Hi Chilli

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice on here so there is no need to google any more.

Take care


12-09-08, 20:56
Hi and welcome, Im sure you will soon find your way around and make lots of new friends here.xxx