View Full Version : howdy...

11-09-08, 23:18
hey everyone
im monika

ive suffered from anxiety for about a year
and upon searching things i found this site
i hope maybe this will help me.

its really bad
and im not sure how much longer i can take it.

11-09-08, 23:21
Hi Monika

I just wanted to say :welcome: and I hope we can be of some help.

11-09-08, 23:22
Hi there,
:welcome: to NMP.
I've been a member for about 9 or 10 days but it feels like a lot longer. Everyone is really nice. I think it will help you. good luck x
P.S it will pass, and you will feel better!

its all good
11-09-08, 23:24
Hey monika, welcome to nmp, sorry to hear ur havin a rough time at the mo, there r lots of people on this site that suffer with anxiety issues and i am sure they will all be willing to support u xx

12-09-08, 00:13
Hi Monika

I just joined NMP last week and have learned to much already. Hope you do too.

take care xxx:hugs:

12-09-08, 00:20
nice to meet you. sorry to hear your feeling bad.

12-09-08, 08:32
Hi there and:welcome: to the site, you'll be amazed how this site can really help you through the bad days, tc xx

12-09-08, 13:10
Hello Monika And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
12-09-08, 16:49
welcome hunny

im sure nmp will ease ur pain

milly xxx

12-09-08, 17:23
Hi Monika

Welcome to the site I am sure you will meet many people on here who will offer you some good advice and support.

Take care


12-09-08, 20:52
Hi and welcome, Im sure youll soon find your way around and make lots of new friends here.xxx