View Full Version : PLEASE help!!!!!!

11-09-08, 23:23
Hi guys.

I've suffered from anxiety for a year.
and baiscally the symptoms dont really bother me.
i hear people think their dying or having a heart attack? but i dont think like that

Basically, i get EVERY SINGLE symptom of anxiety. and the only thing that bugs me is i feel LIKE IM CRAZY!!! AM i losing my mind? am i phyco? cuz the anxiety makes me feel like im losing control and that theres something wrong with my mental health. ill be in class and feel teh anxiety and think. "am i not really here? am i suffereing from some mental disease and imagining all this?" THEN THE ANXIETY SPIRALS! and i cant focus on school and i feel like im gonna fail at everything then i cant focus when im with my friends cuz i feel crazy and anxious!

11-09-08, 23:30
You are not crazy Monica, but i understand why you feel like this. When we're stressed and anxious our mind goes into overdrive and you can't think very rationally. Infact you can't sort out your thoughts at all. It's not a great place to be but you will get through this. Have you been to see your doctor about this? are you on medication?
Try and think positive x

11-09-08, 23:31
hi monika, have u spoken to a counsellor at all about how u feel? if not i recommend it cos it has reallty helped me.

you are not going crazy hun and how u feel is much more common then u know and im sure u will see this from this site.

sometimes if we have alot going on and we not coping to well our body can effect us if very strange ways pysichally and mentally and its just telling us to hold up and relax cos im not coping.

as well as getting advice on here mayb try and talk to someone close to u who u can trust and also do u know if something inparticular trigered this off? if so mayb u need to deal with that first, but it will get sorted and u will feel better hun, keep posting and we will all help u xxx

Divinely Desolate
11-09-08, 23:32
Hi Monika, firstly your not going crazy, anxiety disorder has the strength to mess with our mind in all kinds of ways and turn us into the flight or fight response when we start to panic, i would recommend you should get some help from a family member of yours and then you could feel alot better talking to them about it so you can focus more in the future, for them being there for you and finding ways to make you overcome the problem step by step, you should feel better alot sooner :) take care, all the best!

11-09-08, 23:32
no, i dont wanna be on medication. its makes me feel even worse, and drosy. my mom had anxiety and shes such an amazing person, and got through it all by herself and doesnt suffer anymore! her techiniques dont work for me, though. i know i can get through it myself.

i just need reasurance that im not crazy!

edit* aww thanks you guys! you are so supportive!

11-09-08, 23:36
hiya u dont need to take meds hun, i find exercise walking every day or dancing wot ever helps me and got rid of my depression, it really does help if u stick to it..

also dealing with it on your own is fine, i did that too but its nice to have someone there to support you and be there is u need them cos u will get times when u will want that, so dont try and do it all yourself mate, it dont mean u weak but its just nice to have someone there, so if u can trust someone to help then please do. hugs xx