View Full Version : why me

20-05-05, 20:30
why me i ask i have no money worries no family upsets so why am i having these horrible feelings starting as soon as i wake in the morning until about tea time.i waken with the shakes also pins and needles all down my body.the doctor put me on diazepam 2mg in strength to take two a day but ihave been taking half of one when i wake up and another half about eleven o clock whilst at work. i have also two weeks ago started on st.johns wort 300mg standerd extract0.15%hypericins.today i went back to the doctor he told me to carry on with the st johns wort but to try and cut down on the diazepam only to take half a day unless i am having a bad day then to take another half.today is my day off work and i have felt rough allday when i go to work i seem as if i can work through the problem.usualy by 6 oclock at night i feel as if there is no problem with me can anyone help or understand my feelings[8]


20-05-05, 22:53
hi mili,
anxiety can hit absolutely anyone and in many cases it hits people who feel absolutely fine. have you tried to work out any possible triggers? it could be something like low self-esteem or low confidence.
your anxiety probably vanishes when you are at work because your mind is distracted. if you can find ways of distracting yourself out of work then you might find the anxiety eases up then too.
there are lots of people on here who will understand how you are feeling and i am sure you will get lots of support,

21-05-05, 00:11
Hi Mili

Welcome to the forum, hope you'll find all the support you need and people with similar experiences.
Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

21-05-05, 02:09
It's a bugger I know, and all the questions you asked yourself I have asked too, luckily I am right side of it, so hope it helps to know you can get through it.
Does work take your mind off probs, if so that is a good thing, I work more hours now than I ever did, just for the escape, maybe there is underlying prob at home. Have a think, I did and found it was the flippin neighbour, we have now taken steps to solve it and getting there:)

21-05-05, 09:57
Hi Mili

See if any of this fits , especialy diet, exercise etc

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

21-05-05, 17:59
Where born into a world of strive and life for a lage part is just that.Things can be o.k around you but yet fear comes from nowhere like a demon to ruin your day often with no reason what so ever....so it must be something within us ourselfs that is the real problem not what goes on around us.The answer must be within us not outside us don't you think that gives us peace ???

22-05-05, 02:08
Hi Mili

It is hard and we do question why us but sometime we should maybe dig a bit deeper and see if there any outstanding reasons and if not we put it down to life. A hard call but with our help we will get you there hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-05-05, 11:07
hello Mili,

Welcome aboard Mili!! I think that is a question we have all asked ourselves at some point. Hope we can offer you some good support here.

Sarah :D