View Full Version : Bad Articles

12-09-08, 02:02
Have you ever read an article on a health problem and thought you had it? I hate those articles that report an illness that is taking over america. Like just recently on yahoo they said throat cancer is a big problem recently. Immediatly I started checking for lumps, and felt like i had frog in my throat. Or every time I look up a symptom it ends in you could be pregnant. Then I start freaking out taking pregnancy tests. By the end of an article you think you actually might have hyperactive pregnancy or a jungle virus! haha :roflmao: When you know you don't. Its just a nightmare for us panic attackers! They need to stop those.:lac:

12-09-08, 02:33
i know what you mean. i don't watch shows anymore like E.R., greys anatomy, house, etc. even those shows make me freak out.

12-09-08, 03:56
ya i'm worried about cervical cancer right now, I also try to check my breasts for lumps, but i keep freaking out every time i feel something odd.
I love HOUSE!
one thing i hate how doctors always do a pregnancy test first! I just find it a bit insulting!
i smoke so i cannot even buy fags without being told i will get cancer! you think that would make me stop.

12-09-08, 04:02
Gah I know!
I used to take birth Control but had to stop because every day there are comercials advertising it saying that "Birth Control may increase the risk of Heart attacks, blood clots and stroke..."
Gee Just what I need to think about...I already think all of those things so I just stopped taking them because I thought I was just setting myself up for it.
And to what Robertz said...I agree, cant even watch Scrubs...Which is supposed to be humorus, anymore.

12-09-08, 04:29
Yes, doctor shows freak me out! But it does look like movies and shows make it more dramatic, sure those things happen but they make it seem like it happens sooo often to soo many people.

Pill commercials
I stopped taking lexapro because of side effects but then I only took two a week because of the side effects of the with drawls so I was in a rut. Then I finally just got off it. I know what you mean!

12-09-08, 11:11
Once again, this proves how our lives are controlled by Anxiety and the media.
Obviously, newspapers have to sensationalise news reports in order to sell.........some of them accurate and some not quite! TV has to get as 'gory' as possible because, for some reason, a lot of people love to see 'realism' especially when it is pushed to the limit. Hence the reason why movies featuring violence, blood and guts etc., are so popular........especially with the younger generation (is it any wonder there is so much violence now)?

Watching hospital programmes and/or documentaries about illness is a big NO NO for the anxiety and hypochondriac sufferer. There seems to be a popular phase now of people having to 'throw up' on TV (just to make it more realistic) normally I might add, just when we are eating!

Everyday there are news items and articles in papers and magazines telling us that we should eat more of this and drink more of that. Then 6 months later we read that if we don't do this, we are at risk of getting cancer or whatever other life threatening or destroying illness has been discovered.

I'm just waiting for the day when they tell us that eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegatables, getting exercise and drinking plenty of water is bad for us, then we are really up 'creek alley'.

We all know by now that if we administer anything unatural into our bodies (stay with me on this one and behave yourself) we run the risk of a side effect or damage. In other words, if we eat junk and drink junk, take long term medication, take recreational drugs an so on, our body will not function as it should do naturally and in turn may become dependent on such.

We read that cancer is on the increase one week, then there is some flesh eating disease on the increase the next week. ONE of the reasons for this is that people are living longer and there are more of us. If the population is increasing, then obviously more people will get a disease that they did say 20 years ago. Let's face it, if we had not of read or heard of cancer in the first place, none of us would worry about it.......Ignorance is bliss!!!

We can help ourselves to lessen the worry by at least trying to eat healthy and staying as fit as we can within our power to do so. Don't forget the number one rule......DON'T GOOGLE. Don't watch hospital shows or read stories in the paper about illness, disease, murders, muggings or death, which pretty much rules out newspapers altogether really!

People have been dying of every disease and illness since the beginning of time. It is nothing new. It is just that the papers report it more often that we worry about it. Before the days of internet, mobile phones and journalism, people were still ill and dying of whatever disease, but nobody worried because nobody knew! A classic case of what we don't know we don't worry about!!!!

Anyway, I must rush now.............off to the Doctors!!!!!!!

Take care.


12-09-08, 22:51
ONE of the reasons for this is that people are living longer and there are more of us. If the population is increasing, then obviously more people will get a disease that they did say 20 years ago. Let's face it, if we had not of read or heard of cancer in the first place, none of us would worry about it.......Ignorance is bliss!!!

Good Point!