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View Full Version : Depression from diazepam withdrawal

12-09-08, 03:01
I have been taking 4mg of diazepam a day for 8 years now for anxiety and panic and have recently cut my dose in half. Im feeling awful, always stressed, grumpy, anxious, confused, hide when visitors turn up,bad sleeps, on edge, and get a tight neck and feel shaky when looking people in the eye and trying to have a conversation. also feeling very depressed about it all so have started taking 10mg of citalopram in morning but that makes me nausious and kind of headachey and dizzy. any suggestions out there on what to do with myself much appreciated, thanks, tom

12-09-08, 08:58
Could you see your doc about maybe going on 3mg for a while? I am not sure how long you have been taking the citalopram but it can take a little while for these effects to calm down. Also, in the early days of citalopram, it can actually make you worse. If you have just started citalopram, I am surprised your doc wants you to cut your diazepam at the same time. Or is it not your doc that is saying to cut down?
There is also the possibility of getting something else to do the job of diazepam for a short while, but it is not addictive. Chlorpromazine. I had that for anxiety quite while back and it is not as strong as diazepam but it does do well at dampening down some negative feelings.
Benzos like diazepam are murder to come off if you have been on them for quite some time, but it can be done. Happyone

12-09-08, 08:59
Hi Tom
I really feel for you hun...valium withdrawal is really unpleasant, i know how your feeling. You didnt say if you weaned down to half or just cut it too half ? but it sounds like youve cut down a bit too quickly. Your body is being deprived of something its been used too for years to help keep you relax so its having to do twice the work on half the help now, so thats why your feeling as you are right now...not a lot of help i know... but it does get better and you will feel better, but unfortunately it takes a little time. Maybe you need to go back to see your gp and tell him how your feeling so that he can support you while your going through this.
Lots of people say that citalopram is good but takes a few weeks to kick in, so hopefully that will help your withdrawals subside too.
I wish i could help you more, but i wish you all the luck and i hope you start feeling better very soon.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

12-09-08, 12:12
Could you see your doc about maybe going on 3mg for a while? I am not sure how long you have been taking the citalopram but it can take a little while for these effects to calm down. Also, in the early days of citalopram, it can actually make you worse. If you have just started citalopram, I am surprised your doc wants you to cut your diazepam at the same time. Or is it not your doc that is saying to cut down?
There is also the possibility of getting something else to do the job of diazepam for a short while, but it is not addictive. Chlorpromazine. I had that for anxiety quite while back and it is not as strong as diazepam but it does do well at dampening down some negative feelings.
Benzos like diazepam are murder to come off if you have been on them for quite some time, but it can be done. Happyone

Thanks. Its my first week on the citalopram so that probably explains the awful feeling. doctor put me back up to 4mg today until the citalopram has had a couple of weeks to start working so am feeling ok now.

12-09-08, 12:21
Thanks guys every word helps. I just wasnt quite prepared for feeling so utterly awful trying to get off this stuff. Iv basically cut my dose straight in half so doc put me back up to 4mg today until the citalopram has started working so am feeling much better now, phew. it was all getting quite full on. I didnt expect the moody, sad, terrible lows. very slow ween is what il try if and when the citalopram works for me. thanks again x

12-09-08, 14:08
Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. I think it is wise that your doc put you back up to 4mg for the time being.
Good luck

12-09-08, 14:41
Hi Tom,
I'm not surprised you haven't been feeling well after cutting your Diaz. by half, that's far to large a cut for your body to cope with and it's not a good time to start Citalopram when your cutting down on Diaz. so your body has had to cope with both.
Thank goodness your Doc. reinstated your dose to 4mg until you are stabilised.
When you are ready to start cutting your Diaz. this manual will help -

Basically it describes how to make very small cuts in your dosage over a long period to allow your body to re-adjust.

Good luck & best wishes,

12-09-08, 18:14
Thats a really interesting site decca. Thank you

12-09-08, 22:07
Glad your gp has reinstated your valium and is going to help you wean very slowly...the only way to do it.
Take care and best of luck

13-09-08, 01:12
I think I could handle it and battle through if the symptoms didnt become physical, if i could just keep the horrible feelings inside and not appear shaky and nervous because im usually confident and fun but people will notice and think its strange if im all shy and avoiding them which I have been doing. Hopefully the weaning process works better. thanks