View Full Version : Meds or not

12-09-08, 03:52
Background to me - I was on Paroxetine, but over 6 months ago, as I was well and didn't like the side effects.

I have made loads of lifestyle changes (self-employed, happy house, pets to fuss over, good relationship wth family, healthy living, no alcahol/caffeine etc) over the last four years and had really 'kicked the butt' of my anxiety problems, along with having counselling which helped me deal with a lot of things.

Unfortunatly, I have other medical problems (complex hormone - undeveloped pituitary gland) and changing some tablets has basically made me have a nervous meltdown.

I am not depressed, just anxious all of the time. I have been having panic attacks and have all of the symptoms going of general anxiety.

I have been having panic attacks, but during the day are under control, although I am not really well enough to leave the house too much - although my aim tomorrow is to go and see the pony.

My appetite has come back and I am able to function without being in bed all day.

I am setting myself little tasks, plus listening to podcasts on Buddist view of panic attacks, self hate etc, which basically are trying to teach me how to be 'kind' to myself and not worry so much and feel guilty about being ill.

However - I have been really ill, including two traumatic overnight spells to hospital via A and E (as we needed tests to find out what was hormonal, as i can get adrenal failure). This has meant I have lost a lot of weight (6 1/2 stone now) and am very, very run down. I am also waiting for my hormonal imbalances to even out.

I took paroxetine again for two days, but was physically sick and nauseaus constantly so stopped.

Do I go back and try another SSRI, or do I give my body a chance to recover naturally?? I feel all chemically already. Plus I am not sure I am at a good place physically to cope with the side effects. Coming off Paroxetine was hell and I was functioning really well without it before this happened.

I can cope with the days, but the nights are bad, I haven't slept properly for ages without a sleeping pill - but can't take them any more in case i get addicted. i tried a herbal remedy, but anything that isn't super strong makes my body fight it and leads to more panic.

Tonight I was nicely tired and relaxed. However, everytime I dropped into sleep I would have a big panic attack. I relaxed and breathed through them in a few minutes, but they were very scarey. I also think I was dreaming them. My partner said he couldn't hear me tensing and gasping for breath - so I don't really know what is real and not and there were things I know weren;t happening which I was convinced were. In the end I got up and have been on the computer for 2 hours. Going back to bed now, but will listen to an audio book quietly.

It's been v scary tonight. I had planned to wait a week till I see my endocrine specialist before deciding about meds, but tonight felt like I needed help. But most SSRIs make you more awake for two weeks, plus my IBS can't take the nausea.

Any advice would be great.

Isn't it scary how quickly we find ourselves back in the bad times.

Plus I hate being week and feeble, as I control my problems through exercise (dog and horse) very well usually.

Ironically ususally I am a very upbeat and positive person and try and enjoy the small things in life. I have been training myself to live for the moment, but the moment is pretty horrid now.


12-09-08, 08:46
Hi Pepperpots

Sounds like you're going through a terrible time at the moment, but you're doing all the right things to keep yourself on the right tracks. You obviously have a lot of strength and wisdom from the panic/anxiety you've had in the past.
This is only my opinion but as you've taken such a holistic approach to your health, and a philosophical view on your anxiety with the Buddhist reading etc, I would try to carry on along that path with your recovery.
I've never found antidepressants to be of help, they just cause numbness in body and mind along with other nasty side effects, and all they do is suppress the real problem. Considering what you're going through, it's only reasonable that you're feeling down, but it sounds like you know what will really help you (exercise, pets, eating well, good relationships etc).
When we are feeling really low it's a nice idea that popping a pill each day will help, but if that was true there wouldn't be need for websites like this one. From what you've written you seem to have such a holistic view to dealing with your panic, it would seem a shame cloud all the good work you've done with taking meds that could set you set, and weaken your system even more.
I do hope you feel better soon, and please don't give yourself a hard time if it takes a while to get yourself back to your former strength.