View Full Version : How do you deal with it?

12-09-08, 09:37
Hello, i am convinced that i have lung / throat cancer due to a number of symptoms which maybe anxiety related or something else but me being me have convinced myself i could only have months to live. I feel that i have hit the lowest point so far and am completely consumed by this fear. Since 2 weeks ago this worry has had me thinking about it from the second i open my eyes until i got to sleep. Im not exagerating it is all i think about and the sensible side of my head thinks am i making my symptoms worse because i keep thinking about them but i cant stop. I have tried to talking to my partner but he doesnt understand how low i am and he thinks to a point i am being stupid because i am so convinced i have a terminal illness. He is getting really fed up with it and wants me to try forgetting about it and if they symtoms do not go away then he will take it seriously, i guess he is the one i always ending up crying on etc. I really need some help and advice as i can't forget about it i am worst at work as my job although busy is very samey and i get really bored and then i think etc. How do you guys get through the day & is there anyone else who thinks like this? As a few of you know i am 5 months pregnant so i guess my hormones are making me worse :weep:


12-09-08, 11:00
I understand everything that you are going through, the problem was that I could not control it!!
Thats why I went back on my medication......my husband was less than impressed.

So my advice is to see your Dr and ask for a refferal to a perinatologist, these are ob who deal with medication and pregnancies also get a refferal to see a psychiatrist.

This is what I am doing except I am not pregnant yet.

Oh and make sure you tell you Dr that's what you want, so they understand how damn ill you are at the moment.


12-09-08, 15:48
Thanks Joyce i know you have helped me before. I have been much better today as i have been out for lunch at work with collegues but then i had a choking fit at the table and i swear i could feel something stuck in my throat well that has truely knocked me for six and now i am so scared that i have throat cancer or something. Its a real shame as i was having such a good day :(