View Full Version : anxiety getting worse

12-09-08, 11:32
Hi, i've been going through a really bad episode of anxiety lately, finding it more and more difficult to function on a daily basis. It started off with me finding a lump on my 20 month old sons back and has totally spiralled out of control. I've been to my GP twice in the last week, i thought i had a urine infection as i had a constant urge to go. My urine was yested and was clear so the doctor said that she thinks its probably anxiety related. She increased my citalopram from 20mg to 40 mgs and has referred me to CBT. That was last Friday and i went back yesterday but saw a different GP and explained to her about the frequent urination and pelvic pain that i've been having and told her i was worried about having ovarian cancer. She knows about my anxiety so just kind of put it down to that. She said she could do every test under the sun but it would'nt help. People with anxiety can get cancer too!! It just seems that everything gets put down to anxiety. She did'nt even examine my stomach or do any physical examination. To top it all when i got up this morning i felt really nauseous and dizzy, so much so that it felt like the room was spinning and i found it hard to focus on things. Still feeling quite dizzy and just not right, could it be the increase in medication thats doing this? I feel exhausted too, worrying really drains me. I'm due to go to work tonight but just don't think i can face it when i'm feeling like this, it feels like i'm heading for a breakdown, either physical or mental, or both.

What a life!

12-09-08, 20:16
Really know how you feel, it is such a destuctive cycle. I once tried the medication you are on and felt so ill I just stopped. At the end of the day the doctors usually know what they are doing (although we assume that they will mis-diagnose us!!) - we have to learn to have faith in them. I really hope you feel better soon, this Health Anxiety is really no fun at all.

All the best for now

Rebecca x

12-09-08, 20:37
Hey rainbow n jasper i knw wot ur going through iam going through a vicious cycle myself and everytime i go to drs they say anxiety lets hope there right as i ave yet another sypmtom im having trouble to swallow and ave a feeling like a lump is in my throat or my throats swollen well i went to dr today who said nothings wrong wiv my throat and its prob anxiety and the muscles are tensing in my throat etc...but he did refer me to an ENT specialist to have a camera put into my throat to check it out, but no im still panicing and i will b untill i ave it done and get the results as im freaking out about having cancer of throat or sumthink i feel so week and dizzy ive been eating soup since tuesday just dnt no wot to do .cnt stop my heart frm going like the clappers either its annoying this HA ive gotta break the cycle .if any of u need to chat pm id love to talk.take care

12-09-08, 22:09
Nausea and dizziness are classic symptoms of anxiety and i get this every morning (some worse than others).
Finding the lump on your little boys back must have been very frightening, its a natural instinct to feel like this. I recently found a lump in my 22 month olds groin, it didnt go away and the doctor sent us to the hospital to see the peadiatrician. I worried myself sick for a fortnight until he got the all clear(even though i knew deep down that it would be nothing). The peadiatrician did explain that these sort of things are quite common in young children and they have glands popping up all over, even though it's still best to get them checked out, it's usually nothing to worry about.
This does'nt stop us worrying though.....does it?
:bighug1: here have a hug x

14-09-08, 17:16
thank you all for your replies, it does help to know that i'm not the only one going through this. Sometimes i feel like i'm going mad and i feel so ashamed of myself for being so weak. I want to live a normal life instead of worrying constantly. I feel like going back to my GP as i still have these nagging pelvic pains and every now and again i'm still getting the need to pass urine more often. It seems to get betterfor a day and then back to this again, surely that can't just be down to anxiety.

My son has his ultasound for the lump on his back on the 22nd of September and i really don't know how i'm going to cope with the waiting for results, i'm so scared. Been waiting for this scan for 8 weeks now and this has been unbearable, i'm afraid that i'm going to completely break down.