View Full Version : puberty blues I HOPE!!!

12-09-08, 14:02
hey my names austin and im 13 years old and yes i have hit pubert pretty erly and also i have had some bad panic atack in the last year and depresion but now its a difrent worry im scared im gay becuase my subconsious is playin with me saying i like men and s**t and i fell less atracted to women at tha moment in the lst 1 week ive always ben atracted to wormen and had crushes so what is it a puberty thing or what please help!!:ohmy:

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12-09-08, 14:08
i mean women not wormen

12-09-08, 15:48
I think the thing is try not to worry about it, although it is always hard if you feel different for any reason.

I am gay and the best advice is that 'what will be will be'.

If you are gay, you will be fine - there is nothing to worry about and there are loads of support groups you can chat to.

Or you might not be, could just be a curious phase ... it really doesn't matter.

You are so young. Nothing has to be decided or labelled.

Best of luck.

12-09-08, 16:26
I agree with what pepperpot says here.
My brother is gay and knew he was from an early age.I really wouldn't worry about it.You are still very young and sooner or later you will know what you want.

Your body is going through changes at the moment,so I would just get on with life and see how thing's turn out.

If it turn's out you are gay then so be it,ity doesn't change you as a person.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hope 2
12-09-08, 16:37
Hey Austin

Puberty is scary isn't it. Loads of stuff goes on with our body and our head is mashed most of the time.

I am 36 now, but I remember questioning my sexuality at similar age to you. I think it is a fairly common thing teenagers go through.

Try to not feel threatened or worried by these thoughts as they will just keep on coming. Just try to let them pass through without a care, and go with the flow. I bet you will find the thoughts may remain but they won't bother you, and become much less frequent.

This is okay to be thinking. Whether you are gay or straight, it don't matter. I understand it's disturbing though.

Good move joining here and posting.
Take care
Hope xx

12-09-08, 17:51
Hi Austin

I agree puperty is a really strange time in your life and I think it is very normal for someone of your age to question your sexuality.

Just give yourself time and I am sure all will become clear to you. It doesn't matter if you are gay or straight just as long as you are happy so try not to worry too much about your thoughts and just let yourself be you.


12-09-08, 17:52
I became a "woman" when i was 12, also thats when my anxiety started. hmm, well I know i always had crush's on girls way before I hit puberty, it took me a while to find men attractive. I like both sex's.
i don't have much advice, are you worried your gay or are you having sexual feelings towards men?
maybe it's just a certain type of woman that you find attractive?

i'm pretty sure you arn't gay, because if you were you wouldn't have found woman attractive in the first place.

also durning the teenage years it is totally normal to experiment with both sex's, it doesnt mean your gay,

13-09-08, 05:02
no ive never had crushes on boys just girls but now since im focusing on it im thinking of my elf having crushis on boys but still i always used to like girls and still do just dont fell much atraction at the moment