View Full Version : NOT HAPPY AGAIN

21-05-05, 07:46
I'm really angry/upset at myself and even hesitated about posting this as I had been doing so well. Meg please don't shout at me...lol!
I have been noticing missed beats again for a few days....and I have tried to stay positive and ignore them. I have been taking my chinese remedies everyday without fail and even doing my hypnotherapy cd. Last night I was sitting watching tv when my heart just went mad. It started beating really fast and I could feel it in my chest. I was totally freaked out!!! I got up, tried coughing, took rescue remedy and my chinese remedies (they were about 2hrs late) and tried to stay calm. It must have lasted about 2minutes but it left me so scared and shaky and I am still like it this morning.:(:(
I just feel like, for a few days, I get a bit better, then suddenly it all comes back with avengeance. I really can't take this anymore and just want someone to stop the stuff with my heart. I'm sure I could cope better with the anxiety if I had something to help. I am going to see chinese doc after work tonight as I have nearly run out of the stuff they gave me, so hopefully they can give me something better. They did suggest accupuncture but not sure I could afford that and the remedies. I've also got an appointment with my doc on Tuesday and I think I am going to MAKE him help me now. Not sure if I would be able to combine natural remedies with prescription drugs though?
I know, right now, there are lots of us on here with these 'heart issues' but they are so scary. It is still always in the back of my mind that there is something wrong.
I'm getting up between 6 and 6.30 every morning as well, so by the night time I'm shattered
Also, now my hubby is at home more all the stress has been lifted. He is brilliant right now, I hardly have to do anything when I get in. Maybe it is a reaction to the weekend (medium/visiting my loved ones graves and opening up a bit more about Cory) but I really can't take being like this any longer.
Sorry for going on, again!
Love, Linda.xxx

21-05-05, 10:08
Linda ,

Since when do I shout at anyone ?

When you see your doctor he may give you betablockers but thats about it without seeing the rhythm. Ask for an event monitor preferably or a 24 hr tape.

You've tried the magnesium / calcium route ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

21-05-05, 10:08
Hi linda. stay strong, as you know im with you all the way on this one, but to me it is not as big an issue as to you, I am lucky enough to know there is nothing wrong with my heart, it is the anxiety levels, which I believe were due to achieving something, if that makes sense,.
Dont beat yourself up linda, you have enough problems,without feeling over this.
I also get up like it, I have today, mindst you today I blame because I had a few drinks last night.and on the medication it says NO ALCOHOL, lol
You can take it Linda. Its not good but you will get through.I know you will,I am thinking of you today Linda
Dont worry about drugs today let the doc sort that out on Tuesday, My gp returns on wed and I Itoo have an appt , the first one, lol and already feel better knowing that.
it is a vicouls circle isnt it, I do know how you feel Linda, I am with you all the way, my ears are wonderful for listening why not pm or msn if you want to talk more,I know advice is easier read than done, take care Linda, let me know how you go on, love Alexis, big hugs,
Dont i sound like the clever one I know this and i know that....but you know what i mean

22-05-05, 08:05

Hi Meg, didn't mean you shouted at anyone LOL!!! Yes, I've tried the magnesium and calcium and have stopped taking both since trying the herbal stuff. I had a 24hr tape nearly three years ago and they picked up an isolated ectopic heartbeat, but didn't feel the need to treat it and thats what doc goes on. I'm probably too scared to ask for another one!

I went to see Chinese Doc yesterday and had ACCUPUNCTURE!! Guess what, not one single missing beat since, I've even got the thing in my ear!!! It's expensive £30 a time and he said I should have it once a week for a few weeks, so on top of herbs thats over £50 a week, but worth it if it works. I'll keep you all informed, anyone else ever tried accupuncture.

Alexis, thanks for your kind words. I will PM you soon, don't get much time to come on here and even less since hubby is at home more, he moans I spend too much time on here. Doesn't he really I've got loads of friends to chat to???LOL I do feel much better today and I will try harder to focus on positive stuff.

We booked a holiday yesterday, we're going to Callas De Mallorca at the end of June for two weeks. Petrified of the flight, but can't wait for some sun. We haven't been abroad for over three years and I think we deserve the break. Haven't found anyone to look after my shop yet, though!!!

Speak to you all soon,
Love, Linda.x

22-05-05, 11:09
Good luck with the acupuncture. Hope it works!! :D

22-05-05, 14:12

We're all with you on this one, it is so really scary and you always feel yes but my beats are different to anybody elses, theirs are anxiety but what if mine are something else, what if, what if, what if......

I feel much better since I posted and spoke to my Gp and have decided I am going to keep asking & posting everytime I need reassurance on this till I totally believe it. Does your Gp understand just how scared its making you feel - maybe he could help reassure you more. Also last year my big focus was on feeling dizzy and it went on for months till I felt it really was anxiety and now I don't get it very often as I'm not really frightened of it.

This year quite obviously I'm concentrating on my heart, I haven't decided on my next big symptom yet as this will depend on what horror stories I will have come across.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-05-05, 22:05

'Supposing' said Pooh 'that you don't get another big symptom as you've learnt too much from wise owl and his friends about all this anxiety stuff'.

22-05-05, 22:37
Hi Linda

Got your pm thanks and sorry to hear that you have had a few rough days. But you know that you will get through them just as you have before so dont forget that when you are feeling down.
You are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-05-05, 22:42
Oh Meg - lol!!!!!!!!!!

Love Piglet

22-05-05, 23:34
I can still boss you on this post aswell LOL

Linda keep it up and be proud of how well you are doing and through those bad days we are all here to help you. You know you can pm me whenever you feel you want to but you dont have to worry about me at all, if i need you i will let you know, lets just get you to see how well you are doing.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

23-05-05, 09:05
Hiya Linda, so sorry to hear you sounding a bit beat up with it all again, I am really happy to hear that the Chinese Herbal route is working for you though.

Get you - booking a summer holiday, I bet you cannot wait. I really hope that you all have the wonderful relaxing break that yu all deserve.

Speak soon hunny...Angie

23-05-05, 19:13
Hi Linda, well done on booking a holiday, ive paid for mine this week so excited, How are you, how are things going, you were in chat last night when i came in but then you went, I did ask if you were OK, ive been dodgy too today, think will feel better after seeing my gp on wednesday. Take care


23-05-05, 20:51
How are you feeling today Linda? :D

23-05-05, 22:42
Hi Mate

Hope today has being a bit easier for you. You take care of yourself and if you want to talk you have my mobile number.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

23-05-05, 22:53
Hi Everyone,
You are all being so supportive, thankyou.

I have felt a bit better today, still had the missed beats though, but not felt too anxious.

Went to a Spiritualist church tonight.......The medium said my nan was with him! Told me things about her and stuff about my life. Some of it I didn't understand and then he said he asked her to give him something I could understand and relate to and he came out with the date of moms birthday! Not sure what to believe now, but it did sound like my nan and her watch is still working! A message that she was trying to give me, was that I was still trying to learn/educate myself about something. Could that be understanding my anxiety. Also, the first thing he said, she said, was someone had been through a lot and they deserved a medal. My friend who was with me, said she meant me??

Interesting stuff, don't you think.

I just hope I can learn how to beat this and get on, and enjoy my life. Got 'normal' docs in the morning.

Take care all of you and thanks for being there.

Lots of love,

23-05-05, 23:00
Linda sounds very interesting and i would love to do something like that but would be scared of what i heard like seeing a fortune teller.

Hope it goes well at the docs in the morning, let me know how it goes for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

24-05-05, 00:19
Hi Linda, great to talk to you in chat tonight again, intersting Sal because as Linda will tell you that is what I said that it sounds interesting but i would be scared, after listening to Linda and Kairen and others tonight, I do not think I would be scared if the setting was right, Hope today goes ok for you Linda, let us know, with you all the way love Alexisxxxxxx

24-05-05, 07:31
Why don't you two join Millies Angel forum and see what its like. I'm having a reading on there tonight!!

Think I'm probably searching for answers.......don't know if I'll get them, but I haven't found it all scary and I'm the worlds biggest wimp LOL can't watch horrors, but can watch Most Haunted????

Anyway, chat 2nite after work. Wonder what doc will say?


24-05-05, 17:28
Hi Linda, no update on drs, how did it go??Alexis

24-05-05, 17:45
Hi Alexis,
you won't believe this.......................they messed my appointment up and booked me in with the MIDWIFE - NOW THATS SCARY!!!LOL

Anyway, going Thursday morning now. 4th time lucky!

How are you doing?

Might speak to you later

24-05-05, 18:49
LOL linda, sorry its not funny but it sounds so funny, pity they couldnt fit you in, now youve got 2 more days to wait, o never mind, Alexisxx

24-05-05, 21:09
You're soooooooo cruel Alexis. They could have fitted me in if i'd waited, but had to get to work. It was also the wrong doc on anyway. There is 2 and one is totally useless. I'm not that bothered about seeing the doc now really, because I do feel a bit better and I don't really think they'll give me anything. Don't think it'd be wise to mix chinese stuff and conventional meds.

How are you?

24-05-05, 23:15

Hope they get the next appointment right!!

Midwife, baby shop anything you want to tell me LOL

Joking aside you sound a lot better and i hope this continues, as if anyone deserves it you do.

You can text me it will only cost 10 pence LOL

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-05-05, 07:22
LOL Sal,
How tight am I????????????:D
I have meant to text you, honest, just been busy at work and then spending most of the night on the chat rooms in here or another one Millie had told me about. Got addicted, need counselling now for CHAT ROOM ADDICTION lol.

I will text you today, promise!!!

I am a bit better again. I just need to be more positive. Missed beats have got better again, just down to odd few again now and also, it is the time of the month, so considering that, I'm not doing too bad really.

MIDWIFE AND BABY SHOP...LOL...I am really broody, no denying that, but don't really know how I'd cope with another and the business....watch this space over next months.....????

Speak to you later,
Love, Linda.xxx

25-05-05, 09:08
Hi Linda

Will watch this space LOL

Hope you have a good day.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.