View Full Version : Support

12-09-08, 14:34
I have just written quite a detailed letter to my psych and sent it via email to his secretary. I don't always feel like I can be honest face to face and thought this might be a good way of, in a way, telling him the truth about me. I have always been ashamed of my illness and feel it has so much more control over me than I dare to admit to anyone. My anxiety levels are high and the depression is just killing me. I do self harm and I have managed not to do anything by spending my time writing this letter instead.

Will life get any better? Been like this for so many years, I can't remember what it is like to feel happy and normal.

Just needed to get this off my chest.

Sweetcheeks x

milly jones
12-09-08, 16:09
hunny i write long detailed letters to ppl when i feel i just cant get the right words out

this is often my employers as i struggle with explaining myself to them and because of my sa the words just dont come out right, and i have to ensure that i say what i mean without any misundertsandings so that it prevents future worry.

i think using a script is an excellent way of ensuring ppl undertsand how anx/dep is affecting u


milly xxx

Hope 2
12-09-08, 16:25
Hey Sweetcheeks

I reckon the letter was a real good move on your part. Now they will know much more about you and can plan therapy accordingly.

You sound like you have kept a lot in for a long time (I am right in this place at mo).

Maybe this is a starting point from which you can aim to get well from. I think only good can come from this letter including the fact you found here :yesyes: .

Hope xx

12-09-08, 17:45
Thanks for your replies, it means alot to me. I hope my Psych sees it as a way forward too. 15 years of keeping things to myself has been hard, I never even told my Psychotherapist and I saw him for four years.

I am fed up of being sick off work because of my illness and keep trying to get back to normality - whatever that is. Work are quite understanding but I think my time is coming to an end

Thanks again

Sweetcheeks x