View Full Version : I feel like giving up

12-09-08, 16:04
This week has been not so good. I sleep good at night but can barely drag myself out of bed in the morning. I was late to work twice this week. My doctor has me on Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Seroquel, and Clonazepam. Sound like a lot huh. I have no idea what works and what doesn't. Except fo the Seroquel, which is for sleep. I couldn't make it without that one. I suffer mostly from depression caused by anxiety. I have been diagnosed as bi-polar, but I don't really fit the profile. I used to; that goes without saying, but I have not had the extremes for quite some time. I am miserable at the present time. All I want to do is crawl in bed and pull the covers over my head. Oh, and I am raising three young granddaughters, too. They are the light of my life. So I can't let the anxiety or depression take over for their sakes. Anyway, I just wanted to post this and see if anyone will take a moment to wish someone luck and advice.
Thank you for reading.:weep:

its all good
12-09-08, 16:14
Hey sheryl, i dont suffer from anxiety but it does sound like ur on a lot of medication. It mite be an idea to talk to ur doctor cause if ur not gettin any benefits from the medication then u mite need to try sumthin different. Am sure u r stronger than u think as raising 3 grandaughters cant be easy work. Am sorry your feelin so down at the mo but hopefully there will be sum light at the end of the tunnel. Keep ur chin up girl and rememba us nmp members r always here xx

Hope 2
12-09-08, 16:17
Hey Sheryl

No wonder you feel like this. You have got so many 'stress inducing factors' in your life. On top of this you have anx and dep issues.

I think that raising your Grandchildren is pretty incredible. The way you speak of them is so touching. Next time you are dragging yourself outta that bed, please know that you are a real star for caring and loving those children. Not many would do this and I really admire you, it takes a very special kinda person.

Take Care :hugs:
Hope xx

12-09-08, 16:18
Anyway, I just wanted to post this and see if anyone will take a moment to wish someone luck and advice.

I certainly wish you luck, and know that I'm pulling for you. So are a lot of other people here . . . even the ones who aren't members and just read as they pass by.

I know. I was one of those people not that long ago.

As for advice, I'll leave that up to others.

OH . . . and NEVER give up. EVER.

Veronica H
12-09-08, 16:48
Hi Sheryl
I would be beyond tired if I was raising three children and working, let alone dealing with your health issues. I really admire you. I think you should talk to your Dr about reviewing your medication, as it sounds as if you feel there have been some changes, such as less Bi-polar but more fatigued. You can always talk to us here for advice and support.


12-09-08, 17:35
Hi Sheryl

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment and really do hope that things start picking up for your soon. You sound like a very strong determined woman and I really admire you for bringing up your three Grandchildren I have three kids of my own and they are what have given me the determination to get through my anxiety. I wish you lots of luck and hope things improve for you soon.

Don't give up, I felt like giving up about a year ago but now I can honestly say I am enjoying life again, even with the anxiety still present. There is a light at the end of the tunnel you just have to keep working towards it.


12-09-08, 18:30
Thank you all so much for responding. It really lifted me up to know that another human being took the time to communicate with me. I know I can't give up. Thank you.