View Full Version : Does anyone else get higher anxiety when dieting?

12-09-08, 16:36
My anxiety been pretty much ok for the last 6 months or so, so started a few diet, nothing too radical other than cutting out all my junk and not snacking and sticking to 1400 cals a day.

I started dieting about 8 months ago but gave up because anxiety was starting up and wanted to deal with that first.

Now have started again and the odd panicky feelings starting to come back and focusing on negative thoughts.

Any advice appreciated

12-09-08, 17:39
Hi Mev

Often when people switch to a healthy diet from a less healthy one they can feel peculiar for the first couple of weeks. But I wonder if your anxiety is due to changed sugar levels. If you have gone from snacking a lot (i.e. a constant flow of sugar in your blood) to 3 meals a day, you can feel light headed and anxious. Maybe try eating 6 small meals a day, so the sugar level is maintained, and see if this helps?

Dahlia x

12-09-08, 21:20
Thanks I will try.

12-09-08, 21:26
I think that unless you are doing serious weight loss diets (crash diets) or diets such as the atkins diet where you are eating limitd nutrients you should be ok. It's probably just due to the fact that when we diet it plays on our minds, food is all we can think about and we can get a bit obsessive (or at least i do!!).
Dieting can be pretty stressful, hence, the anxiety kicks in!
Maybe this is whats happening with you.

13-09-08, 03:13
Yes, I tend to have more skipped beats while dieting, and the skipped beats are the worst thing I know :blush:

13-09-08, 16:22
Thanks that has reassured me, and yes I do think about food pretty much all the time, Saturdays is normally take away night, but tonight I having grilled chicken and steamed veg yum:noangel: