View Full Version : Postt traumatic concussion - tiredness

12-09-08, 20:57
Hello. First time for me.

I'll keep it short; I'm exhausted.

I fell off my bike over a month ago and cracked my hed. I can't remember half an hour leading up to it.

I've slowly been improving from a myriad of symptoms but today felt debilitatingly tired. Caan anyone tell me if that's normal?

I had a one-day cold two days ago.
I have been getting tired everyday for the past two weeks by eight p.m. onwards, going to bed at around Ten-11o'clock and up by 7=8 a.m. as I have settled into recovery more over the past three weeks, having not taken it seriously enough for the first two weeks(of which I now remember little).
Yesterday I dug out some old vinyl whilst tidying up and sang along loudly for an hour or so. That swayed me up and down emotionally(one of my symptoms has been to be very un-grounded. Earlier was a lot more acute). Also I have been taking it very slowly and easily.

In short, can anyone tell me: do I seem to be doing something wrong that's made me to crash down tired like this.

Am eating well and taking vitamins and omega oils daily, plenty of fluids

Would love to hear from anyone.


12-09-08, 21:53
In a nutshell Pip dear, you sound run down.
Get yourself to the doctors for some blood tests and in the meantime get to the chemist for a bottle of 'metatone' it is a tonic which could be better described as a wonder cure. It's worth a try!

13-09-08, 00:28
I agree with piglet - you're probably run down and your immune system is at a low ebb. Best to get checked out by a doctor but your body has had a shock and it sometimes takes longer to get over these things than we think. Take it easy and be patient with yourself. :)

26-09-08, 11:54
Philip - how are you feeling now? I can identify with your symptoms completely. In the last 6 months I have two head injuries - first one while training to be a ski instructor and sliced head open, having 5 stitches. Skiied the next day and was totally fine. Next one came this May, while partying in London and fell backwards and suffered a concussion. Ever since felt out of it and dazed and not myself. Tired all the time etc etc. Then started to have panic attacks after 2 months of really attempting to carry on as normal, loads of docs appointments, all of whom couldn;t find anything wrong with me. I suggest you look at the BABO (British Association of Behavioural Opthamologists) website as you may have something wrong with your vision. This was the case with me, and after 4 months of feeling so terrible I finally managed to find out this is why I felt so disorientated. When someone suggested this to me, I was like, nah, I don;t have anything wrong with my vision...but after thinking it through it made sense. My sense of awareness was completely off! I could do most things - even went canyoning, skiing etc but just didnt feel 'right'! If you are anything like me, you will be currently trying to carry on as normal at the moment sensing there is something not right. Please do find help as you are the only one who knows your body! If you find the right help, you can get better rather than feeling so rubbish. All head injuries are different, but the brain CAN heal. I have only just found out about what caused my problem last week, and only just starting steps towards recovery. Want to share my experiences so that others with concussion can recover too as doctors do NOT recognise how much this affects your life! I'm 24 and just want to get back to normal!!! Let me know if you're feeling ok now, it may be that you are the lucky ones and just feel out of it for a while.

26-09-08, 11:57
hiya hun , i cant help im afraid with your issues and probs but just wanted to say hi and give u a hugs xxxx

20-07-09, 09:57
I've got a total hyper-sensitivity to anything to do with my head. So I cracked it on an old beam yesterday. Didn't feel dizzy but worried about it all night and woke up with a quivering face. so imagined I'd developed epilepsy.
It was the top of my skull. I suppose the head is quite strong.