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View Full Version : Weird chest feelings help!

12-09-08, 21:00
Hello, for the past 2 weeks on and off i have experienced a weird chest feeling. It doesnt hurt but feels more like im nervous but up in my chest between my breast bone. It sometimes feel likes it goes to my throat. It only last seconds but im really scared. I have been really suffering lately with my anxiety and this adds to my fear of lung cancer. Please can someone help :weep:

12-09-08, 21:03
This could be acid reflux. Do you get a taste in your mouth as well?

12-09-08, 21:05
I dont get a weird taste but i am generally uncomfortable in my chest area. My throat is constantly 'blocked' with mucus that i cant swallow away its soo annoying. I cant really explain my chest feeling but its odd and scary but that nervous feeling you get in your stomach only higher

Is this normal?x

12-09-08, 21:14
Ok it could still be acid type thing or maybe a post nasal drip if you get lots of mucus.

Have you mentioned it to doc?

12-09-08, 21:25
I have a docs appointment on Monday. I'm just so scared. He did say i had acid reflux last time as i was experiencing heavy chest which has now gone since i have started taking gaviscon. Like everything else im sure its worse when i think about it :(


12-09-08, 21:29
Hopefully he will reassure you then. Good luck!

12-09-08, 21:36
Can i just ask if anyone experiences heartburn on here and if so can you tell me if it feels like stich in your boobs lol just behind your breast burn. Its really sharp and as im pregnant i guess i am prone to heartburn supposidly. Problem is i dont actually know what heartburn feels like :)

13-09-08, 23:29
Ive got that too, it gets on my nerves , i think I am about to have heart attack anytime..... had it for 12 mths now.. Dr says its acid, but doesnt feel like that to me . I think its anxiety, find my self short of breath too

16-10-08, 14:28
acid i would say, from what your saying.
i used to eat these sweet like medicine things.
but yh there called tums very colourful tablets.
keep very much out of reach of children cuz they will wanna eat them all hehe.
they taste nice but theres 1 thing.
you do get a nasty load of acid in your mouth and you should spit it out.
it normally tastes like what flavour you swallowed
(lemon is best)lol
try them and see because you dont know till you try:)
if ever you have things wrong ive had it lol.
sure i still worry but i will do my dam best to make sure you feel better and dont worry.
and if i think theres something wrong i will be 100% honest lol.

hugs :) you will be OK.