View Full Version : Am I going mad?

21-05-05, 12:20

I put a posting in yesterday about forgettiing things. Thing is I feel really panicky at the moment, I feel like im going mad.

Heres a proper example of what just happened:

We run our own company. The phone rang and went into answer machine. I then checked the message and took the number down. This is all ok.

Then my husband telephoned the person back. I came down from being upstairs as he said he had booked him in for next week. I asked if he had a contact number for him? I totally forgot he had phoned him back and I took the number down.

Things like this is really scaring me.. Could it be because Im trying to do to many things at once and trying to get better to quick? Thats its all to much for me to take in or am I going mad??

I dont feel I have anything to be anxious about now as the dentist is over etc?? So why am I still gettng symptoms? Im sweating quite a bit today and I seem very alert.


Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

21-05-05, 12:56
Hi Emma,

Your not going mad...honestly :)

I am also like this, forgetful about things, but really simple things, like you explained about the contact number when you knew your partner had called ther person back...I get this all the time, I think we just have so much stuff in our head that we seem to miss the obvious things!

Your really not going made tho...I thought I was at one point, but now me & my boyf just laugh it off, its the best way. So now a days I have many 'Blonde Moments!'

Dont let it get you down....you just have a lot in your mind so somtimes we dont think clearly.

Tatty B xx

21-05-05, 13:46
hi emma jane,

firstly without doubt you are not going mad and that is a certainty.

secondly, we all forget things, sometimes this is just normal but its the worry about forgetting things thats the problem, bet if you asked a hundred people in the street and asked them what they were doing an hour ago or yesterday most would just go....ermmmm......ermmm.......not sure.....ermmm.....ermmm......oh yes i remember........

i think its the worry about the memory thats the problem not the memory but yes anxiety can make you a tad more forgetful as you are thinking of other things at time.

i was convinced that my memory was impaired due to a knock on the head and had organic brain damage....either that or i was going mad....but it was neither it was just my anxiety and compleltly normal memory loss.....happens to everyone so try not to worry about it.

you are on alert as you are worrying about you memory.......probably even testing yourself like what did i say an hour ago...or what did i do this morning...then when the memory isnt instant...as it wouldnt be for anyone....you worry about it..........so as the worry passes so will the symptons but it does take some time.

try to keep smiling emmajane.


21-05-05, 14:56
Hi Emma, the others are exactly right, today I went to town and left my husband for 15 mins ,he made all meeting arrangements as I dont like be down town so everything was clear as clear, usually we meet in the coffee shop, the coffee shop with no signal lol, off i goes after about a half hour he turned up and said funny florest???[8)] yes should have been the florist, if you are going mad, iM COMING!!:D

21-05-05, 15:01
I think we need a seperate forum for madness LOL!!!!!

I forgot the word forum. ARGHHH, I think, I think to much :D

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

21-05-05, 22:18
Hi Emma

As others have said you're not going mad. Everyone forgets things at times and when suffering from anxiety or depression, your head gets so full of other thoughts that it is difficult to remember the simplest of things.

I find I can be writing something and completely forget where I was going with it, or go to do something and then cannot remember what I was going to do. I find myself writing lists for everything now so that I don't forget.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

21-05-05, 22:21
Thanks to all who have replied. It has been great help. I suppose deep down I knew it was to do with anxiety. But reassurance from people who have been or who are in the same situation helps alot

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

22-05-05, 02:55
Hi Em

It is anxiety how you are feeling and it is horrible when you think you have no control over how you think or feel.

Its temporary and we do understand how you feel in your post and i know i have being there many a time.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-05-05, 10:00
Hi Emma
as everyones said your not going mad. I used to have this horrible fear and couldn't get help from anyone/anywhere, till one day i was so bad i begged the doctor to tell me if i was going mad as i was petrified, he said simply if i was going mad i wouldn't know, he said it was simply because i spent too much time thinking about everything i was doing and every little forgetful thing was turning into just another thing to make me feel i was right therefor it was easy to think i was going mad, rather than to admit that i was anxious.
From then if i forgot something i put it down to anxiety, once i had a reason to blame it on something else it soon became less fearfull and then became something that didn't scare me, it soon gets better when you stop being affraid of it ;o).
take care
sharon xxxxx

23-05-05, 10:21
We have room and time for 50000 thoughts a day.

If 45000 are going on anxiety and What if's - what gets missed out that we used to think ??


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...