View Full Version : I'm forgeting everything

12-09-08, 23:26
Somebody please help ,my brain is dragging me back.My brain no longer copes with my activities. I'm losing my sense of coordination,coordinating my activities is becoming more difficult by the day,i get confused on trivial things.I find it difficult to concentrate.While reading ,i could read one line five times, without really catching what i'm reading because my mind would have strayed away from the book. Worst of all i forget things so easily ,its like i cant keep plenty of things in my head,coordinating my speech while talking,i forget some vocabularies that i'm supposed to use to construct my sentence.
I'm really messed up right now,seriously worried,somebody please help.

12-09-08, 23:47
Hi Micky.I think its all part of anxiety.I cannot read book's as much as I would love to.My mind goes of to something totally different and I forget what I have read.
Please dont think your crazy alot of us have felt like you.:hugs:

its all good
12-09-08, 23:54
Hey micky, when i was suffering with depression and was stressed i forgot things all the time. I know its mad, but its just something that seems to happen, its like even though u think u r not thinking bout ur problems, ur mind is doin the thinkin for u and forgettin bout everythin else, if that makes sense! Dont worry, your not alone with this 1 xx

12-09-08, 23:55
Me to I forget thing's all the time,Im constantly writing lists and notes.:ohmy:

its all good
13-09-08, 00:06
I nearly lost my job when i was depressed, i cudnt rememba the basic things i had to do!:unsure:

13-09-08, 00:12
While going through a really depressive phase a couple of years ago I couldn't concentrate on anything. I'd try to read a book and realise that I'd re-read the same paragraph like 5 times over and over. My memory's not great at the best of times but I forgot everything - appointments, birthdays, where I'd put stuff. I had to write everything down. And I became really inarticulate - my vocabulary shrank and I couldn't think of words.

I think emotional distress, anxiety and depression can cause these kinds of symptoms. Be kind to yourself and give yourself a break. You're obviously going through something at the moment but it's much more likely to have an emotional cause than a physical one. Feel better soon :).

13-09-08, 14:14
Try not to freak out too much about this one hun, it scared the bejaysus out of me when I first became ill, I think it is because your mind is absoloutely frantic with worry when things settle down you will soon start to feel normal have a look on the symptoms page, and I think there are a couple of old threads relating to memory loss and lack of concentration etc.

thinking of you, and take care remember it is just another symptom,

lots of love
