View Full Version : i am so upset

13-09-08, 00:16
well since i started my therapy 3 weeks ago my panic attacks have pretty much diminished in intensity and frequency i went almost a week wihtout one, and now all of the sudden there back its not fair i thought i was done and over this i am so upset why are they back is that normal for recovery or am i just failing and there staying with me forever

13-09-08, 00:24
Your not failing,relapses happen.Your doing really well and should be proud of yourself.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

13-09-08, 09:23
I'm having a relapse too, after a week of mass improvement.
Thing is, these things happen and we just have to accept it. Harsh i know but all we can do is carry on regardless. I feel so low and it's hard to think positive but i guess it's back to the relaxaton c'ds and colouring books for me LOL.
Try and find something that helps you relax, good luck, and remember 'we are in this together' feel free to pm anytime:yesyes:

13-09-08, 10:25
HI Manda !
I am new to this forum but I have had panic attacks for some years now. I too thought I was ok until just the other day when a panic hit me like a brick wall. This is due to the fact we are holiday tomorrow but I was so happy about the holiday before and this hit me from nowhere.
I phoned the nopanic helpline and a lovely lady did explain to me that you will never really escape anxiety as we need it in order to survive. E.g. Your body uses it when you cross a road, its that little voice in your subconscious that says "oh careful". The trick is to be able to control it and It will pop up when you are least expecting it I guess from time to time when little triggers occur. Have you read the http://www.panic-attacks.co.uk/panic_course_contents.htm (http://www.panic-attacks.co.uk/panic_course_contents.htm)
It mentions about triggers and obviously something has triggered it off. You just need to think about what triggered it and re-adjust your thoughts I guess..
I hope this helps..
Mand x