View Full Version : Emotional Support needed please.

21-05-05, 12:45
Hi, I have been on a variety of anti depressants over the last ten years, partly for depression and partly for OCD. Anyway, I have been taking Venlafaxine 225mg for easily a year now, and basically I am sick of taking drugs. I ran out of these tablets last weekend and in vein tried to get an emergancy prescription on the following monday, unfortunately at my surgery you have to wait 2 days for repeat prescription, well you can imagine what is happening now. If ever anyone has stopped taking drugs without the weaning off period. I feel absolutely terrible. My head is badly woozy and giddy, I cannot stop shaking and feel really spaced out.
I have well and truelly lost what little faith I did have in my doctor, by the time I got this prescription I was well in to going cold turkey. I have not got this dispensed and I am fighting like mad all the withdrawal symptoms. I have said to myself, I had to cope with these feelings for 4 days before I could get the prescription I might as well carry on and get off the ****** things. If has been a week now and the symptoms are not really any better, is there anyone out there who knows how long these symptoms are going to last. The only family I have is my daughter who is 7 years and we are home alone but for our animals. The reason for going on to such a high strength was my mum died a little over 2 years ago and we were very close, she was only 51. I do not know the full medical reason why she died as the doctors did not appear to be doing much to help even though she was in hospital. I watched her slowly die for 6 weeks, that was when she gave up. Hence why I do not trust doctors and have not gone back to mine to get help with these withdrawal feelings. Sorry this message is so long.

21-05-05, 15:58

sorry I dont know the answer to your questions but I just wanted to say hang in there.. when do you get the pills then? can you hang on til then? then you really should see your doc to give you a weaning off program as that must be a better way than cold turkey. I can understand why you dont trust doctors after what happened to your mum but they are not all the same and they are there to help you.
I'm also on venlafaxine but on 75mg and only been on them for 6 weeks, so i've got a while to go yet!!
Just to say good luck to you, its gonna be hard but you can get through it.
take care,

21-05-05, 18:37
You can go to your NHS walk in centre and get enough tablets to tide you over until you can get your regular prescription. Your surgery should have told you this.

Go there now and get sorted out, and shame on your GP.

"to hope till Hope creates from its own wreck the thing it contemplates"

21-05-05, 18:47

I am on the same tablets etc as you and all the symptoms may not be withdrawal symptoms. The venflaxine also stop some of the symptoms of anxiety so stopping taking them will show signs of the anxiety. The exact same thing happened to me when I did not put my repeat into the docs in time.

Stay in touch



21-05-05, 19:41
That's quite a hefty dose to just drop off. I came off 75mg and felt travel sick, dizziness and my eyes were really sensitive to light. This lasted for about 2 weeks and I felt fine from then on.

I hope you're getting through this, it doesn't last for ever and is bearable but not pleasant as I'm sure you're experiencing.

Best Wishes,


21-05-05, 21:23
Hi there,

When you feel strong enough I think I'd look into getting a GP you have more of a rapport with - it can make such a difference.

I'm so sorry to hear about your mum and its understandable the effect that this has had on you but you are not on your own anymore now you've found this site.


Love Piglet

22-05-05, 02:00
Hi and welcome to the site firstly.

Not being able to get your medication even if you hate taking it will not have helped and as you know has a detrimental affect on you.

Sorry to hear about your mum and the loss you feel and that can only have compounded how you feel now. We will support you through this all we can and i hope to hear from you soon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-05-05, 10:57
Welcome aboard!! :D

22-05-05, 19:31
hi there and welcome.
i really think you should try and get hold of some more anti depressants - i'm not sure it's a good idea to just come off them cold turkey. it sounds like your GP has behaved disgracefully - can you sign up to see another one?
i'm sorry about your mum, that sounds truly awful. i hope you find this website of some help,

22-05-05, 21:46

You may feel dire for a couple of weeks as you withdraw, but over the following few weeks these symptoms will pass and you'll improve daily.

Its not recommended though.. a bit of a shock to the brain..

I hope you're doing ok


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-05-05, 21:58
Welcome to the site, hope you find some help here

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

22-05-05, 22:28
Hi Nutter

How are you getting on?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

23-05-05, 13:53
Hi Nutter,

Welcome to the site, that is terrible that you had to go through that,
i hope your feeling ok, that is a lot to be taking just to stop like that,

go backc and talk to a different doc if you can if not i would still go back and have a bit of a check up just to make sure your ok

take care

kairen x

24-05-05, 12:12
hi hang in there i know it easy for me to say but i had to watch my mam slowly dying for about 2yrs and take on full responeablilty for my brother farther and 2 sisters as well as care for my mam at this monent in time i often wonder why i am still here but i know its up to me and well if you want any advice i am here 4 u leo05

24-05-05, 18:59
Hi Nutter - love the name!

Just wanted to welcome you aboard the forum and offer you all the support and help you need.


24-05-05, 23:01
Hi Nutter

some great replies, hope you are okay but would be great to hear how you are doing.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.