View Full Version : can't stop shaking

sarah peacock
13-09-08, 10:42
I had a really awful hangover yesterday and i managed to make it through the day ok although i felt constantly on edge and my heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. But by the end of the day my face went all tingly and numb and my knees also felt quite numb too which made me have an awful panic attack. The only way i could get rid of the feelings were by going to sleep and when i woke up they had gone away thank god but now i cant stop shaking. I have only just got up and i'm waiting for my tablet to kick in so i'm hoping i will be ok then. I'm just so fed up, I am getting a whole load of new symptoms lately and they are driving me mad!!! does anyone else get these symptoms when they have an hangover?

13-09-08, 14:18
My symptoms increase by 1000s when I have a hangover, it has stopped me drinking, not that I drink a lot anyway, it doesn't matter whether I have 1 drink or a few the effect is still the same feel very very anxious and ill.


sarah peacock
14-09-08, 00:53
lol i feel better now. the shaking finally stopped when my tablet kicked in! i hav an awful headache now though and feel really depersonalised. thats nothing new though. thanks for ur replys. i don't know why i do it to myself when i know it always makes my anxiety a 1000 time worse.

14-09-08, 01:59
when i have ahangover it makes my symptoms worse...We live and learn