View Full Version : health anx and hair loss

13-09-08, 11:06
Does anyone suffer with hair loss ? is it another symptom of health anx ?
please help as am worried :weep:
Have just had blood tests done and all came back normal , so i hope this is just another symptom ....

13-09-08, 13:14
Hi there,

its normal for anyone to shed hair, i reckon you notice it more when we are stressed or anxious. Sometimes i seem to be loosing tons and it really sets me off on one. My hubby is a hairstylist and just says its normal loss.

love anx x

13-09-08, 15:13

My sons girlfriend lost a lot of hair whilst she was taking her final exams at uni. She got herself very stressed out and the doctor told her that it can sometimes happen.

13-09-08, 16:35

I have suffered from hair loss and it's now very thin

It got a little better whilst pregnant but back to being bad again:(
My Dr said it was stress (after doing blood tests which came back normal)this was in 2005

H x

13-09-08, 18:12

I go through stages of this too and notice it much more when I am stressed (all the time then!!:roflmao: ).

My hairdresser told me it is normal to shed more hair in the Spring and Autumn (like a dog!) so it is probably just that time of year.

I'm sure you will be fine.

Nikki x

13-09-08, 18:28
I have suffered with hair loss over the past couple of years and the doctor as told me stress can be the biggest cause of this unfortunate affair.


13-09-08, 18:38
I got really stressed and anxious about 18 months ago, and my hair was falling out in handfuls - plug was always blocked, twas horrible. I think it was partily due to stress, but also apparently hair has a seven-ish year cycle of growing, and I think my stress co-incided with most of my hair reaching the end of its 7 year cycle. I think if I recall correctly, I could tell this was the case because it had a small white 'bulb' on the end of the hairs, its teleost or something (a long time ago, so I could be wrong!). it has all grown back now, so it's fine! Hope you feel better soon.