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21-05-05, 14:10
hi again,
ive got a new symptom thats bothering me, sometimes when i eat, i feel really uncomftable, its lke my breathings irregular and then i feel i have to stop eating for a min or so, i do get irreg breathing at times its not just hyperventilating, its just uncomftable breathing patterns, then i start to worry someuts wrong and start to get panicky, i may have asked this before but is it normal to get odd breathing patterns[i dont just mean breathing fast,or just short of breath] but sometimes i feel like my breathing isnt regular,arrrgh its so hard to explain does anyone know what im on about,please please advise
luv sue

21-05-05, 14:50
Hi sue, there are quite a few breathing posts at mo, i am actually better if I talk during a meal because that way I am breathing, If i eat alone then i dont breathe deep enough then end up big breaths and sighing, know this probably wont help at all but you are not alone,I do get other breathing symptoms but normally they are not a big issue to me,take carre love alexis

21-05-05, 15:08
Hi Sue,

I'm a bit like this with the eating and drinking breathing thing - its almost like its hard to co-ordinate doing the two actions together.

Funny thing is when I have lunch on my own and I'm reading a book I don't notice it but at dinner time when we are all sat at the table I'm very concious of it - think it will go away if ignored though.

Meanwhile I slow down and don't take such big mouthfuls and breath a little in between.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-05-05, 19:45
Hi Sue,

I had this about 10 years ago and clearly remember it! I didn't feel like I was breathing in and out automatically, I felt like I was having to suck the air in and push it out conciously. A very strange experience and one that I can remember lasting on and off through a bad patch but it did go!

I've seen reference to this on this site a fair few times now so you aren't alone!

Best Wishes,

Mark x

21-05-05, 20:21
Hey Sue, I TOTALLY relate to what you experience. When I eat /or drink/, I feel like I can't coordinate breathing and swallowing, my breathing becomes irregular, and I'm afraid I will choke. Also, for some reason, sometimes when I eat, probably because of the fear of choking, I seem to breathe not only through my nose, but also through my mouth /I don't even know why I do that, in fact, it only increases the risk of choking/! [Duh!] I feel really nervous and anxious when I have to eat /or drink/ in front of people /even my family/, I suppose that's because I worry too much and I think about it too much and I concentrate on it too much. I prefer to eat alone in my room, while I listen to music, read, or use the Internet. I feel more calm and relaxed. The only advice I can give you is not to worry, and also to distract yourself. The unpleasant feeling will go away when you stop concentrating on eating and breathing and swallowing.

By the way, I also relate to what mjh47 says about feeling like you don't breathe naturally and automatically, about consciously forcing yourself to breathe in and to breathe out. I used to get that a lot in the beginning, I just couldn't stop thinking about breathing, I thought that if I stopped controlling it, I would stop breathing and die.

21-05-05, 20:24
hi Sue

I had this problem when i had my anxiety, when eating i would take deep breaths and find it hard to breath. But now my anxiety has gone i don't seem to have the problem.

Now i constantly swallow i was told its part of anxiety had it for 3mths now just doesn't seem to want to go away.

Hope it feels better soon.

take care
linda xx

28-07-07, 11:03
hi paula here i suffer with the swallowing thing have it since feb this year its so frustrating especially when you enjoyed your food so much i loved trying all different types of food ;now im so limited to what i eat every meal takes me over an hour to eat even though everything is mashed like baby food at my wits end my son thinks i've got an eating disorder to loose weight [doh] just feels like im stuck in a rut

28-07-07, 11:04
hi paula here i suffer with the swallowing thing have it since feb this year its so frustrating especially when you enjoyed your food so much i loved trying all different types of food ;now im so limited to what i eat every meal takes me over an hour to eat even though everything is mashed like baby food at my wits end my son thinks i've got an eating disorder to loose weight [doh] just feels like im stuck in a rut