View Full Version : Is it anxiety? Is it heart disease or is it cancer?

13-09-08, 12:07
Hi everyone,

Just started on the site today, feel like I need to speak to people in the same situation as me.

I have been suffering from (I hope) panic/anxiety for 17 months (since my girlfriend went into hospital). Do the symptoms change as from time to time? First I had panic attacks which came over all of a sudden then I started to get these dull symptoms. For instance all of a sudden I would come over light headed as if I was hovering above the ground instead of walking. This lasted for approx 3 months then went away.

I have had a constant ache in my chest for over a year however if I don't stretch it, it isn't there but it feels like I have to stretch it to constantly remind me that its there.

Recently however I get the feeling I need to breath deeper, not an out of breath feeling like I have just run a marathon but a feeling like I need to take more air in for no apparent reason.

I have been to the drs on several occasions had blood tests for Thyroid, Liver function, aneamia and other things, all have conme back fine. They have checked my heart, said the bpm and blood pressure were both fine, had a listen to the lungs again fine.

Does any one else suffer with sypmtoms like this?

I keep telling myself if it was anything else such as cancer in a year and a half it would have got a heck of a lot worse.


chris q
13-09-08, 13:13
hello there mate look i know how you feel i have had health anxiety now for about a year and i know a lot about it now the feeling that you are haveing are all health anxiety if you want to talk to some one in the same boat then feel free to pm me best of luck fella

13-09-08, 15:18
Hi Benjy and welcome,
Take the time to read all the info on this site as you need to understand how health anxiety affects your body and mind etc. When you understand how and why things happened, you can begin to accept it and acceptance is the key to recovery.
I'm not saying its easy, but its true.
Good luck

13-09-08, 22:55
Hi there!

I will get different symptoms on different days - eg one day I'll have a tight chest, then the next I will get numbness on one side of my body but no tight chest, the next day the numbness will go but the tight chest will return!! Its almost as if I cant go through a day without having some bodily sensation to worry about - if I cant find something to worry about I worry (arghhhhh) - how stupid is that? Its so irritating!!

14-09-08, 10:30
Thanks for the advice and information. The worst for me is when I wake up and my chest is tight and the fear is so extreme because you are still half doozing. Horrible!