View Full Version : Hello....I would appreciate a few comments

13-09-08, 13:12
I've not been on for sometime, but basically I thought that everything was getting better. I was due to visit my uncle, who is seriously ill in hospital, but I had a few too many beers last night. Basically, having a slight hangover brought on a panic attack about travelling and going to the hospital, where incidentally my Father had stayed a bit before he died.

I got myself into such a state that I had ring my cousin and tell him I couln't go and explained why. Naturally, he was very understanding, but I still feel like a complete and utter...well I won't sware. What anoys me more is that last week I went up town (I live in London) and a really good time with no problems. Why did I let myself go over the top, when I know that the after effects cause me to panic.

Ian W

chris q
13-09-08, 13:20
hi there ian look i can under stand when i get drunk the next day i find not only do i have a hang over but my anxiety is 10 fold and i think this is cos i fear death so much that i try to keep myself as helthy as pos so when i have put a lot of crap down my neck and i love a drink mind i start to feel one step closer to grave but what you have to try and think is its just my anxiety i am helthy one night on the piss cant kill me if you need to cate feel free to pm me best of luck mate hope this helps

13-09-08, 13:22

No really, it's just that I feel under an awful lot of presure with my Uncle's situation, like it's my duty to go. Don't get me wrong, I'm very fond of him, but the feelings I was getting was that I needed to get the visit over and done with, which maks me feel a bit guilty.

Ian W

13-09-08, 13:25
hiya hun, mayb cos u knew u were visiting yr uncle, it may have been playing on your mind and made u anxious and u had a few drinks to relax u and before u know it u have few more etc etc.

i do this alot and i always feel rusbbish for few days after, so i do always try and lay off the drink ess if i know i have something important on next day otherwise im useless.

dont worry about it hun, it happens to us all and when u were out other week and had no worries, mayb thats cos at that time u was not anxious about anything and also u didnt have to visit your uncle.

you will be fine mate. hugs xxx

14-09-08, 16:15
Hello Ian And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

14-09-08, 22:17
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way

15-09-08, 04:04
Hi there and welcome to NMP

Pooh x

15-09-08, 08:00
hi there and :welcome: to the site x

milly jones
15-09-08, 17:27
a wonderful welcome to no more panic

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xx:hugs: