View Full Version : anxiety dreams

13-09-08, 17:06
Hello everyone. I hope you are all well!
Does anyone have dreams where they are having a panic attack or in an anxious situation in a dream? Would be interesting to hear what other people experience. I know that there are alot of threads on dreams and medication but im interested in the types of dreams that you have. I am writing this to distract myself right now aswell because I have just woken up after the worst dream ever and I am still shaking 15mins on and still really confused because it all seemed too real and vivid but at the same time. It was like what an acid trip is probably like (never taken drugs btw). Scary stuff! Just interested to know that Im not the only person who feels like this. Many thanks to everyone :-)

13-09-08, 19:23
Hi Steveo,I too can have some horrible dreams and I think it does have something to do with our feelings of anxiety.My anxiety can be pretty bad at night anyway and I often wake up suddenly either out of breath or with a fast heartbeat which sometimes leads me to a panic attack.I lost my father at 11 yrs old and one dream I had once was when I was passing the cemetary where he is buried and I was on an open top bus looking in and his coffin was on top of the grave in the rain sliding about in the mud it was absolutely horrific,I still remember it vividly to this day and will never forget it.It hasn't come back since(thank god)but I can get really mixed up dreams and often have one's where I have lost sight of my husband or can't get him on his phone and start to panic(i have a phobia of something happening to him so I know why I have these)Try not to worry as they are only dreams and cannot hurt us only make us a bit shaky,the mind is a curious thing and will do what it wants at times,never mind at least reality is a whole lot better.

13-09-08, 20:00
I dream alot! and wake up scared alot. last night i was dreaming i was in the middle of a war. men with guns, bombs, helicopters! I tend to have the kind of dreams you could make a movie out of!
i get lots of ones where i'm lost and it's dark and people are trying to kill me. i even had a dream that my house was surrounded by a Chinese mafia!
i also dream about having panic attacks, or i am dizzy and cant move.
i hate the waking up n feeling very scared.