View Full Version : Have to go to the DENTIST!!!! :(

13-09-08, 17:40
:scared15: Does anyone else have a HUGE fear of the dentist??? I have to go Tuesday morning and I really don't know if I can. I've done CBT and have been desperately trying to do the "self talk" about how it won't be bad, etc. But it isn't working? I know most people don't like the dentist, even people without anxiety/panic. But this feels impossible!!!! :weep: Anyone have any ideas of how to cope with this? The "before-hand" waiting is killing me!!!!!

13-09-08, 18:19
ok I USED to HATE the denist! Then i found a nice lady denstist , i told her about my anxiety, she looked in my mouth and took an xray, then i tried to stand up but my legs where shaking too much and she helped calm me down.
she told me to my gp and get some seditives off him. so i did and i took my seditive (benzo-lexotan) and i was alot calmer at the densist. my mum waited outside for me.
this will sound sill but this really helped relaxed me. i told my self "my dentsits cares about, she does not want to cause me any pain"
it was like a switch went of, ya of course my dentist would never hurt me and she is very good at her job.
the noise's used to bother me, and when i had to rinse my mouth i couldnt even hold the cup,
but i had too see my dentist once a week for six weeks so i got used to it.
keep telling yourself your are safe and that nothing bad will happen to you.
also ask your denstist to explain what she is doing while she is doing it.
if it helps bring some ear phones and listen to music

13-09-08, 19:32
I have a really bad phobia of dentists that is so bad that I avoided going for 10 years, I was in tears waiting to go in and so scared but I explained to the dentist that I was really phobic and she was lovely, she didn't rush me into the chair and told me that she would stop the exam at any point. I find that the waiting to go is the worst. If you need to have any treatment done some dentists can give you a sedative, I have to have 2 teeth taken out and I am going into hospital to have a G.A I am that bad.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help but you are defo not alone in feeling this way.

Good luck tuesday and let us know how you get on.


Eva May
15-09-08, 15:46
I've been going for routine check ups and that's been hard but I have to get two fillings next week and I'm terrified. It's because I know I can't tell her to stop and let me out because she has to finish what she starts.

15-09-08, 17:15
hi ino exactly how ur feelin...ive got 2 go dentist 4 a chek up in a month but i desprately need a tooth takin out..but im scared that if ii knt swollow while there fiddlin about in mii mouth itl bring on panic

ive neva been scared of tha dentist and am not now its just tha thought of havin a panic attack whilst ther takin a tooth out lol its sounds silly but im actuli realy worried

ii want mii mum 2 go in with me but not sure if she wil be allowd as they do a x-ray scan and evry1 has 2 b out tha room except me lol

sory im no help butr good luck hun x

16-09-08, 12:14
Hi There:D

I too hate the dentist:ohmy:

That said mine is ok, but you need to explain your fears

Ive got to go to hospital soon to have 13 teeth removed under sedation, Im dreading it but no point dwelling on it:lac:

I really hope it all went well for you :yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-09-08, 01:49
Thank you all for your replies. I'm afraid I didn't make it to the dentist this morning. And I feel really badly about that, as I know we have to face our fears. And I do have to go sometime soon. But at least I know I'm not alone, and that really helps. I was taking my husband's appointment, so he went instead, so at least I didn't put the dentist out. But still... Although there has been a lot of stress here the last couple of months, so I think this was one thing too many? NOT that it is easy at the best of times, that's for sure. When things settle down here, I will try again, and this time I "will" go, no matter what. Your replies really helped!!! Thanks so much!!!

Eva May
17-09-08, 11:19
Don't worry about it Snowshadow. It's a huge deal for us to go the dentist and all the "normal" people that I know absolutely dread it as well. I'll let u know how I get on next week. Hopefully I'll have some good news for u!

17-09-08, 21:44
I know exactly how you feel, I REALLY hate the dentist. I didn't go for about 8 years and then a few months ago I decided I had to. I knew I needed some fillings and I told myself that if I didn't go, they'd only get worse and then going would be even worse.

The first time I went I spoke to the dentist and said what I was scared of and asked if he'd stop if I needed to - he said yes. That reassured me. Also, my husband came in with me, which, to some people, seems really pathetic but to me it's a big deal. He chatted away and I kept focussing on breathing and, as it was only a check-up it was quick.

After that, I felt a bit better and managed to go for two fillings. I was so petrified, almost crying I was so scared. But I kept singing songs to myself in my head, and again my husband was there with me. It was scary and I still am scared about going again, but just keep telling yourself that it's only going to last for 10/15 minutes (I know, this can feel like forever when you're scared!) and you'll feel great once you've done it.

Don't worry about not going, you haven't failed it's just a blip. We all have them. The important thing is to try again. And I always make sure I have something to look forward to after, that I can focus on. Good luck!

17-09-08, 22:31
do you hae anyone who can go with you? i cannot go alone, as i know i will just not go!

Veronica H
18-09-08, 13:37
hi Snowshadow
As you can see by the replies, the dentist is difficult for many of us. I have recently received a reminder to go for a check up, but I just can't face it yet. I have made progress on many fronts but I know this will have to go on the back burner for a month or two. I am sure we will get there.
IKenny - well done!


19-09-08, 02:29
Eva May - good luck next week! I would really like to hear how you do! And thanks again for everyone's responses. My husband will go with me, there is no way I can go alone. I can barely go even when I go with him? I have agoraphobia, not sure if I mentioned that already, so that defintely doesn't help, along with the anxiety and panic. But I do know how good it will feel once I finally do go... and get this over with. So I am planning on going as soon as possible, maybe even phone tomorrow??? Yikes!!!! And yes, even people without anxiety hate going, so no wonder it is almost impossible for us....

Eva May
24-09-08, 10:39
Hi Snowshadow. Well I went yesterday morning and between taking a seat in the waiting room and getting back to my car, it all took less than an hour. It was difficult and I did panic but I managed to stay and I didn't believe that was possible. I think if you have an understanding dentist, that is half the battle because she explained everything that she was doing, she gave me breaks and it really helped. And most importantly, it didn't hurt! So you'll be fine once you go in :yesyes:

24-09-08, 13:21
Hi everyone,

I never used to be afraid of the dentists, and to be honest I am not really afraid of the dentist now, but I am afraid of being in the situation. The waiting room, lying on the dentists chair, feeling trapped although I know I am not trapped. I was panicky last time I went and I over the last few years have felt worse each time I go. I am adamant not to ever miss though, my teeth are too important to me and I have to keep on top of them because the thought of lots of dental work is too much to think about. I have a check up this afternoon, I am trying not to think about it too much but now that I am I think I will get the diazepam out. Scarey!!

At least my little boy will be with me to hold my hand!!


25-09-08, 21:57
I was petrified of the dentist and then my horse knocked half my tooth out, the dentist told me it would have to come out. He referred me to an oral surgeon, based at the same dentist who was quick at extracting teeth. I had anxiety whilst driving there but a few things helped

1. Tell the dentist how you feel
2. If they use anaesthetic, it can make you feel a bit dizzy - thats ok
3. Get them to load you up with anaesthetic! Mine use numbing gel before so you don't feel the needle
4. Take an Ipod and turn it up loud!
5. Take someone with you, I clung onto my Mum's hand all the way through

and - it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be

Final tip - don't try to go to work 3 hrs after an extraction, you'll be spitting blood out and nobody will understand you as your mouth will be numb xx

jacks 6
26-09-08, 22:00
i also have dental appointment on tues, although not as scared this time, i asked my dentist to refer me to hospital to have work done under sedation, it works a treat, dont feel or remember anything.. Hope all goes well for you i know exactly how u feel.