View Full Version : hi im neil

13-09-08, 18:35
hi im neil from liverpool i been suffering from panic and anxiety for 5 yrs i havent had a bad time with it for bout a year but it came bk bad last week first i thought i was having a heart attack went the hospital an when they told me i was ok ,i was fine but the next day i started thinkin i was gona turn into a paranoid schizophrenic has any body else felt this? i seem to be gettin paranoid thoughts has any one experienced this is it just anxiety am i just puttin these thoughts into my own head cos im anxious

13-09-08, 22:45
Hi Neil,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined.

I can understand the feelings that you describe - I have also had these thoughts. When we are anxious it can easily lead to us thinking of the worst thing that could happen - and then because we think it - we think that it really is going to happen.

I have found that it helps to realise that anxiety itself can lead to having such thoughts - I keep reminding myself that they are just thoughts - and try and let them pass through my mind and not worry about them.

Hope it helps to know that you're not alone in feeling like this.

All the best :D

14-09-08, 00:28
Hi and welcome, Im sure you will soon make lots of new friends on here.
I too had an emergency admission to hospital, my first one ever.I was convinced it was my heart, it turned out to be a severe anxiety attack,xx

14-09-08, 09:26
hi neil,
i know exactly how you feel, good to meet you. hope this site helps:)

14-09-08, 10:44
Hi there and :welcome: to the site xx

14-09-08, 15:06
Hi Neil

:welcome: aboard.

You will get loads of support and advice and meet some fab people along the way.

14-09-08, 16:09
Hello Neil And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
15-09-08, 17:38
a wonderful welcome to no more panic

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xx:hugs: