View Full Version : Feel totally out of it.

13-09-08, 20:01
Sometimes my panick attacks last for hours. and today while i feel all panicky, i feel totally out of it, not in like a catatonic unresponsive state, but everything just feels weird and i feel so detached and i question if what im seeing is real and everything just overwhelms me. help!

13-09-08, 20:25
I often feel spaced out even when i'm not experiencing a panic attack. I feel as if i'm on the outside, looking in on everything. I hate these episodes (as i call them) and they usually happen when i'm tired. Does this relate to you?

13-09-08, 20:32

I feel like this 90% of the time

You aren't alone

H x

15-09-08, 17:22
I get this symptom - you are not alone. It's horrible though and i often find myself wondering 'what if''s'.. what if it's not real? what if I am going mad and don't know it? what if I'm developing schizophrenia.

I'm having a rocky patch at them moment but it does pass :)

Annie x

15-09-08, 19:47
this is my first time posting although i have been a member for a while just reading the messages and on the chat room. i also feel at lot, probably constantly that im spaced out. this morning i thought i was sleeping still and dreaming when i woke up. everytime my husband spoke to me i thought is this real or am i still sleeping. i just had a baby, well 7 months ago, but before that i was confident, had a great career and very sure of myself. i knew what i wanted from life and i went for it. i had a bad time a few yrs ago but i got through it and i felt stronger for it. i lived on my own before i met my husband for yrs and i loved it. now i dont know if i am going mad. i started getting very anxious after my son was born. i was tired too and felt under a lot of pressure. hubby and i started rowing and he left when baby was 4 months. i got so frightened. i was frightened of everything. i couldnt look at life cause i was frightened, going out was so stressful. i had pains in my arms, my chest, i felt like i was living in a fog. trying to cope but everyday i couldnt look at life are i got scared and froze. things have got better after a few months. hubby and i got back together and i thought things would get better and they have a bit. but im still struggling with looking at life. i get panicky everyday. every morning i wake and look and think today im not going to think about if here for not or if the pains in my chest is a heart attack but from the bedroom to the kitchen i start it all over again. the fear, panic, worry and the anxiety. i just want it to stop. i want me back. as i type this im thinking maybe this is normal, my life i mean and im just thinking its not. i know i have to think to get through life so telling myself to stop thinking isnt right. i just feel disconnected. this site is great to talk and it makes me feel like people are like me, but i just want to stop being frightened. thanks for listening

15-09-08, 20:50
Hi Trixiet

you are not alone my love. I always get that horrible disconnected feeling - its like your here but your not really here if you know what I mean. Do you have any help

big hugs

15-09-08, 21:12
thanks nicky.:hugs:

i do have help, with my husband and family, but i dont say to much. i amstarting counselling too soon so hopefully i will find out why this all started.

its my head it wont stop thinking, i am so tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont taking meds cause i dont want to feel worst.


16-09-08, 22:56
My last moderate panic attack in school last week did this. I was is psych class and i thought of something that must of triggered a panic attack for no reason then felt detached from reality and on edge worrying about having another one for the next couple days. It slowly went away after 3 days though, I think I just over tired and then was able to sleep lots on the weekend.