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View Full Version : old dreams and flashbacks of childhood memories

21-05-05, 17:15
Does anyone have days where they get past dreams coming into thier heads or memories from thier childhood coming into thier thoughts. I keep getting this and its really distressing me. I think it could be because of my anxiety state but i don't like it. Does any one else get this happen to them Ta Sue

21-05-05, 21:10
Earlier this year I had a bad bout of nightmarish sleep totally anxiety related and actually so did one of my daughters who's just about to sit her GCSE's, thus proving when we are stressed its quite understandable that it should spill over into our sleep.

It was like that for a few weeks and I almost dreaded bedtime which was a real first for me as I love the safety of my big bed. In the end I took some valerian and decided worrying about it was making it worse and I kept a fun fiction book by my bed incase I woke in the night then it would take my mind off it.

I'm sure it will pass soon - just another phase of anxiety. If its stuff you feel you need to talk about, then get it off your chest with a pal or on here or write it down, it doesn't look so scary written down.

Love Piglet

27-05-05, 01:17
i had this happen today, actually. flashbacks from different times in my life.

30-05-05, 03:14
Hi suzuki

During my most anxious days I often suffer flashbacks and past memories returning - usually the bad ones.

It is quite common with Post traumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorders. The main thing to remember is these flashbacks maybe unpleasant. but they will not harm you.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

06-06-05, 23:22
Hi suz
I just started wondering about that too. I just started taking citralopram 20 mg p/d and previously never remebered any of my dreams now even though im getting (i fell ) a more restfull sleep I remeber my dreams both good and bad and have also noticed I clench my jaw more (part of my tmj problem)