View Full Version : Hello

13-09-08, 20:44
Hi, I'm not as depressed as I used to be but my brain kinda likes the feeling I think cos that's what it's used too. Feeling a bit down at the moment so thought I'd try join a forum to chat to others who feel the same way. Can't talk to hubby - he wants to fix it all and doesn't understand that I just want to talk and thinks I feel down for reasons a b c and so if I do steps 1 2 3 it will solve everything.:wacko:

13-09-08, 22:29
Hi Bluebell, your hubby sounds familiar!
Everyone who has no idea about anxiety thinks that its as down to 123 and solved by abc (and thats because they have no idea).
So sorry that you'v been feeling down and i hope your anxiety starts to subside soon. Mine is a bit up and down at the minute (oh well at least 2 good days a week is better than none). Take care chuck :hugs:

14-09-08, 00:29
Hi and welcome, Im sure you will soon make lots of new friends on here.

14-09-08, 10:43
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, ive sufferred anxiety for ages now and my hubby still sometimes doesn't understand how it makes you feel. But you'll get a lot of support and advice here that will help you through xx

14-09-08, 15:07
Hi Bluebell

:welcome: aboard.

You will get loads of support and advice and meet some fab people along the way.

14-09-08, 16:09
Hello Bluebell And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
15-09-08, 17:40
a wonderful welcome to no more panic

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xx:hugs:

18-09-08, 09:50
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

21-09-08, 22:51
Hi Bluebell

Your hubby sounds like my partner, although he doesn't want to be horrible I can see him thinking 'whats the problem..how can you possibly not be able to walk to the top of the road on your own'...its so hard to explain , he is supportive but i can see it annoys him sometimes ....I joined here yesterday and look forward to chatting in the room and making friends ..hope to see you there ..tc xx

Sandra xx :)

21-09-08, 22:57
Hi Bluebell,

Welcome to the NMP family!

NMP is great, you can come here and express all aspects of your anxiety without being judged.

I know what you mean about your partner. I have the same - I love him to bits, but he hasn't been through this kinda stuff, so he doens't get it.

Hope you find lots of useful info and support here.