View Full Version : Good to be back...

Cathy V
13-09-08, 22:06
Hi all, I hope you had a good summer and the kids didnt drive you too barmy during the school hols! It seems like ive been away for much longer than 8 weeks and feels strange to be online again...even though i managed to get the odd message through over the weeks. Was surprised to see an abscence of usual members (no offence to newer members coz i know ppl are joining everyday) but no familiar 'faces' around at the moment.

We've had an amazing time travelling around Wales, including going up Snowdon in the little steam train...a first for me and absolutely breathtaking. Went on the horsedrawn canal boat in llangollen and had more cream teas than was good for me! Also wandered into a pub where the men just broke into welsh songs, powerful stuff when you have 20 blokes singing in harmony.

And after a few days in Liverpool where there were some great things going on in the 'city of culture' we ended up in shropshire...Bridgnorth, Ironbridge, ludlow etc. I know all this might not sound very exciting if you live in uk, and i know these places well myself of course, but i was visiting them with my German chap and looking at everything through his eyes and y'know what? we are surrounded by some pretty amazing places really arent we?

As some of you already know, I also had the pleasure of meeting my new grandson on his first day in the world...bless him, and caught up with all of my family which was really great for me.

And as always i managed one or two visits to my doc too (i still have my english doctor as well as the one i see here in germany) and as usual was told my bp was still too high (160 over 100 a few days ago in fact) so he decided to swop me back onto Propranolol, which i was taking for about 6 months before he changed it to Bisoprolol in march, but it seems the Bisoprolol werent tackling the bp enough. Apparently not all the beta-blockers act in exactly the same way and that Propranolol does afar better job at targeting high bp...so there you go.

Been taking them again now for only a few days and have to admit he is right on that one..bp has come right down. I was a bit scared of taking these again coz of the side effects last time, but am quite surprised at how much better they seem to make me feel than the bisoprolol. So fingers crossed they will be better this time around.

On a final note...when you think about all of the travelling around ive done during the last 8 weeks, on trains and boats and planes, and even drove the hire care we had for the last 3 weeks (ive been too nervous to drive in germany) i havent done too bad have I? ive surprised meself no end and weve had quite an adventure.

Its been lovely just driving and seeing where we end up at the end of the day, booking into a b&b for a few days then walking for miles in the countryside. I didnt think i had it in me since ive been ill with HA again, but it just goes to show what we are really made of and how strong we really are. Everytime i felt like i couldnt do it, felt trapped or claustrophobic or didnt fancy being up a bloody mountain, i talked myself round and made myself get on with it...i didnt want to let my chap down so i just did it, and yes i had some panics along the way but i made it through and am now back in germany with lovely memories and a great CD of the Welsh male voice choirs who im listening to as i write this.

I hope you are all ok.
Catch up with you all soon.
Much love,

Cathy V xxxx :)

13-09-08, 22:14
Well Hi and welcome back,
sounds like you've had an amazing summer.
I'm a newbie (and no offence taken) just wanted to say hello x :hugs:

Cathy V
13-09-08, 22:23
Hi pinkpiglet and thanks for the welcome home, much appreciated...xxx

13-09-08, 22:41
cathy hun, great to see u back, missed u hun and alsorts been going on haha and i finally wrote that letter to my parents, if u get chance have a read lol

u sound like u had so much fun, u will need a good rest now hehe

13-09-08, 22:42
Was surprised to see an abscence of usual members (no offence to newer members coz i know ppl are joining everyday) but no familiar 'faces' around at the moment.

Welcome back Cathy - hope you had a fab time away

Who are you missing and I will tell you where they are lol?

13-09-08, 22:44
Cathy everyone is still here mate


Cathy V
13-09-08, 22:53
Hi Nic, thanks for the welcome back. When i first logged on i didnt see any familiar members but as the evening has gone on ive seen more and more...in fact the reply from the suvvener bird just above you was a message for sore eyes haha! hiya donna mate, hope you are well.

Its always good to talk to new members too, and ive been having a read around the boards. Hope i can pass on some 'positivity' to some of them...I promise to be good ok? :noangel:

Cathy xxx

Cathy V
13-09-08, 22:56
Thanks Lisa :) xxxxx

13-09-08, 22:57
miss straight talking german scouser, its good to have u back hun, i been busy on here even if some havent haha, i been having good old moan and groan, thats wot us suvveners do best u know ;) xxxxxxx

Anna C
13-09-08, 22:58
Hi Cathy,

Its sounds like you have had a lovely time! Congratulations on the birth of your new grandson.
I'm in Liverpool did you see the 50ft mechanical spider while you were here?:D You are right there are some lovely places to visit. Well done for coping so well and welcome back!
Anna xx

13-09-08, 22:59
Cathy - I am sure a lot has happened on here in 8 weeks so you may not see their posts.

Take some time to look around again and find people.

They are still here! You just need to find them.

13-09-08, 23:00
Hiya Cathy

Great to see you back!!! glad you had a good one love.

We had a very busy night earlier during the quiz but i recon everyone has gone to the pub without me :shrug:.....How rude!! hehehe

Nice to see you again

Love Lisa

Cathy V
13-09-08, 23:01
Nicola, just been catching up with some of your posts, so sorry to hear that youve been suffering so badly. youve been strong for so long...what a shame that these health problems get the better of you in this way, and i know that they really are health problems as opposed to just an symptoms (with the exception of the swallowing problem which you know anyway is a major anx symptom along with the breathlessness that follows)

I hope you are felling a bit better and a bit more positive....Cathy xxx

13-09-08, 23:10

I am not good and not positive lol

I am working on things at the moment but in so much pain it is hard to be positive

14-09-08, 00:14
hi cathy
welcome back. glad you had a great time, well done
love debera

Cathy V
14-09-08, 00:18
Thanks debera, hope you are ok too xxx :)

14-09-08, 00:23
:roflmao: Hi and welcome back, maybe you didnt recognise me cos Ive changed my pig.:roflmao:
Glad you have had a lovely time.xxx

Granny Primark
14-09-08, 08:19
:welcome: back cathy,
Glad you had such a good time and many congratulations on the birth of your grandson.
Pity we didnt meet up but hopefully one day we will.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Cathy V
14-09-08, 11:15
Thanks alexis and gp-lyn, hope you are both doing ok? take care...xxxx

14-09-08, 12:21
Hello Cathy

Long time no speak.
Sounds like you have a great summer.
Great to have you back - missed u.


milly jones
14-09-08, 17:50
hi cath

missed u around too lol

glad u had a good summer hunny

shame we live so far apart cos i think it would have been fun to have more girly time lol

so proud of everything uve achieved this summer and will continue to do on ur journey to recovery

another date for morning coffee next time ur visiting?

lots of hugs

mill xxxx :hugs:

Cathy V
14-09-08, 21:49
Hey Karen, thanks for missing me haha! lovely to hear from you again and hope you are well...xxx

Thanks also to milly...it was really great to meet you and i hope the next time im over it will be for good. Things are moving ahead really well and its looking like Bridgnorth will be the place to live for us, so wont be too far away for the next coffee! Like the new doggy pic by the way...xxx

Hope 2
15-09-08, 14:31
Oret me ewd mucker

Ayyye it's reight gud to see thee back lass.

I wondered where the heck u had beggerd off too. Good for you keeping at it even when u didn't want too. He is a lucky dude your geezer.

See yah around chuck
Love Julia xx

15-09-08, 15:49
Hi Cathy,

Welcome back and congratulations on your new grandson and for getting around so well. I know how it is to travel and getting through the ups and downs of it all but you managed so well done. Your trip sounded wonderful and one of my dreams is to get to Wales one day too, actually all the places you went to sounded fantastic. Glad you had so much fun.

Laura xxx