View Full Version : Dealing with somatisation

14-09-08, 07:20
Does anyone have a good way of dealing with somatisation, where you think about a symptom so much that you start to really feel it? At the moment I've got a mole that I'm waiting to have removed. Now that I'm worried about it, I can feel it, it sort of throbs and bugs me. But when I prod it it doesn't really hurt and so I think the sensation must be just my mind homing in on that patch of skin and making me hyper-aware of it. When I had a virus recently I imagined at one point that I might be developing appendicitis because I had some pain and discomfort in my belly, around the spot where I thought my appendix was. As soon as I started to imagine that it might be appendicitis that's all I could think about, and the pain and discomfort got worse. I googled appendix anatomy later and discovered that it was lower down than I'd thought - the pain soon went away :blush:.
So I know that the sensation in my mole is probably just because I'm focusing on it and imagining sensation where there isn't any. But it keeps catching my off-guard and making me think aagh! Cancer! Does anyone else have any experience of this? How do you deal with it?