View Full Version : Daves Travel Blog. Spain.

14-09-08, 12:09
Hi Guys, been traveling the last 2 weeks, Seville,Granada,Madrid.
Can't fly due to anx., so it was all by train !

First stage, Essex to St.Pancras for the Eurostar.
I can even get anx. on a Train so there was going to be dodgy moments all through my travels.

Clutching my little yellow Valium friends in my sweaty palms I boarded the train, quickly got up and walked to the door to look out and reassure myself I was not trapped or confined.

It only takes 2hours 15mins St.Pancras-Paris.
Arrived feeling ok and had the rest of the afternoon to explore Paris.
Weather was good so had a boat trip on the River, a great way to see the sights like Notre Dame.

Went to the Eiffel Tower, stood at the bottom looking up.
Said to my partner, "not sure I can go to the top":unsure:
We decided to get the tickets, went to level 1&2, feeling fine, looked up and thought, sod it I'm gonna do this !
Went to the very top and felt great, chuffed with myself.:yahoo:

Next morning early start to catch the overnighter Paris-Madrid... so far so good:) ....... more to follow

14-09-08, 12:20
hi dave good to see you back, i luv paris and eiffel tower, me and my hubby did that and it felt great, although when we went it was a valentines treat and was freezing cold, but we still had fun.

glad u had a lovely time and didnt panic to much. hugs xx

14-09-08, 16:15
Hi Dave

I wondered where you had been!:winks: Didnt expect to hear you had galavanted over to Spain and Paris!:wacko: Hope you took plenty of pics while you where there.

WELL DONE for coping so well:yesyes: , will look forward reading your next blog.


Hope 2
15-09-08, 14:22
Hello Dave the Rave

Check you out gaddin about all over the gaff eh.

I am so pleased for you, really I am. Now you know you can do it, the world is yr oyster kinda sketch. Nice lottery win would be handy tho eh.

Catch u soon
Luv Jules xx

c'mon where's part 2 then eh ........... lol

Eva May
15-09-08, 15:49
OH MY GOD! I don't know what your difficulties have been but I'm seriously impressed and I hope you're havin the time of your life. I love to hear from people who have managed to travel so thanks for that, you've cheered me right up :D

15-09-08, 21:58
Thanks for that Eva, glad to cheer you up:)

Hiya mates, more blog.........

Well there I was in Paris and having made it to the top of the Eiffel Tower, it was nearing time to head for the sun, Paris-Madrid.

Some of my issues are of being confined, not being in control and feeling very unstable when away from home in a different country.
The later is VERY strangs as in my younger years I lived in Germany for five years!! ....how weird is that?:blush:

The next part, Paris-Madrid train run was an overnight sleeper, a case of shake rattle and roll in a small bunk bed.
Also my issue of confinement kicks in once all the train doors are closed.

All in all the 12hour trip was ok, arrived in Madrid, got the "oh God I'm miles from home feeling" but hey! not gonna give up!

Next stage, Madrid-Seville.
Another run on a train, about 2hrs. 30mins.
All going quite well, feeling determined to see Seville and feel the warmth of the sun and see clear blue skies.

more to follow.....:shades:

Cathy V
15-09-08, 22:09
Brilliant so far Dave, really chuffed for you. Ive just got back to germany from a 7 week hol in uk, the last 3 weeks were travelling around wales and i even managed the train to the top of Snowdon! But the Eurostar :ohmy: no way!

Cath xxx

15-09-08, 22:21
Good for you Cath. !
I used to like the old style trains, you could open windows and stuff ya head out.... to be decapitated by one coming in the opposite direction !:doh:

The Eurostar is like a plane fusilage, built for speed, you feel confined, very smooth though. x

16-09-08, 10:12
Sounds like a great adventure chap :)

I nearly got shot in Paris once, never been back since lol

16-09-08, 11:55
Well done Dave:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Kaz x x x:hugs: