View Full Version : at a bit of a loss

14-09-08, 16:54
hi im rachel , im 21 and ive suffered from anxiety since i was 5 years old , it subsided for quite a while when i went through my early teens whish was good. unfortunatly i was in a bad relationship when i was 16 - 20 and i suffered from severe anxiety, panic attacks and depression throughout this. luckily i got out of it and met a real nice guy who understands me as well as he can, but for some reason i have started again, i wake up in the night hyperventelating and i get panic attacks coming on at random times as and when they seem fit , its quite a hinderance its taken me a week to put something down on here because the first time i looked on the forum i had an attack, i dont know why this is happening and im trying to treat it through aromatherapy and other alternative methods as i have been on anti depressants before and it was not a pleasant time. id appreciate any thoughts on my situation ,
rachel :unsure:

14-09-08, 16:59
Hi and welcome, Im sure you will soon make new friends on here.
Well done on joining and so glad you have an understanding partner, there are so many other sufferers on here who will hopefully be able to help you through.
I knwo you dont want meds again, but have you had cbt, take care.xxx

purple to black
14-09-08, 17:18
Hi and welcome :)
Im not keen on meds either and am waiting on CBT. Hope you start feeling better soon :)

14-09-08, 18:16
im not up to date on all the options to help but i know i dont fancy therapy i had it before and it just annoyed me but maybe getting a different therapist or doing it differently would help , after all if it ends up being the only thing that helps i will do it .

14-09-08, 20:01
Hiya Rachel

Welcome to the site!!

It can be quite difficult to find the right thing for you first time over. I'm afraid with anxiety,it's all trial and error till you find something that wroks for you personaly. I have tried all different things but mediaction was the right one for me. Keep going with what you are doing and i really hope it works for you.

Best of luck hun


14-09-08, 22:13
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way

15-09-08, 04:05
Hi There and welcome along to NMP

Pooh xxx

15-09-08, 08:01
Hi there and :welcome: to the site xx

15-09-08, 08:08
Hi there Rachel.
A BIG :welcome: to NMP, you've certainly had your fair share of hard times but i'm positive that your time spent here will help you loads.

Good luck chuck! :yesyes:

milly jones
15-09-08, 17:25
a wonderful welcome to no more panic

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xx:hugs:

15-09-08, 18:32
thanks so much , its really nice to finally feel some sort of acceptance