View Full Version : head zapps

14-09-08, 17:42
hi i am going crazy here i am now into the third day of experiencing these nasty head pains it is at the top of my head to the right, they seem to come every 5 mins or so is driving me mad what could be causing this someone please help xx

14-09-08, 18:35
i dont know if i made much sense it is like a stabbing pain and is really freaking me out, am worried it is the start of something serious as nothing seems to help it, does anyone else get the same

14-09-08, 19:51
Hi berkshiregirl, yes I have experienced exactly the same symptoms, real pains in the head that kept coming and going throughout the day. They did eventually go. I think from time to time we just suffer unexplained aches and pains and the more you get anxious about it the less likely it is to go away, that's the horrible thing about HA. Please try not to worry as I am sure you will be absolutely fine. Take care. x

14-09-08, 19:58
thankyou mary am just so scared i googled i know i shouldnt and it says tumor and this is my worst fear, i know there are many other symptoms buit i just keep thinking what if it is the begining of one