View Full Version : anybody here?

22-05-05, 01:41
probably pointless me posting this now as everyone is prob asleep in bed. ive been on efexor for 5 months now, the panic attacks stopped and the anxiety has settled. am very unhappy at the mo and just cant shake myself out of it. cant sleep or eat again and feel like im going down that steep slope but without it being as horrific as when i wasnt on meds. how is this possible im on medication??? but am so utterly miserable?

have had an awful few weeks, my youngest son (four) told me that our 14 year neighbour made him masturbate him, the boy admitted it and the police took control. he was spoken to but only given a verbal caution as he was young and there was no physical evidence, also the boy claims he was unaware that what he made my son perform was a sexual act?????????? i have to live 3 doors fromt his family and see them everday, the parents say hello to me as if nothing has happened and i know they themselves are going through hell but tis like it never happened. I split up with my son's father 3 years ago but over the last few months we have got very close again. i thought maybe we could work things out and let down my gaurd, but he told me last night that although he still loved me i was basically a confort blanket!! so i thought right bugger u, didnt cry, havent cried, but now just feel empty and very sad and lonely lol, god i do sound pathetic.
am just so very very sick and tired of life at the mo. i havent ****** got one, all my family have moved to wales, all my freinds are lovely but are all settled and paired off and there all quite sain! feel like things are just poo, when they gna get better? i want a ****** life not this up and down, depressingly forced sence of normality. I AM NOT ****** NORMAL, i am depressed and i want a cuddle.

am also feeling very sorry for myself lol, u just cant cuddle a computer!

beth xx

22-05-05, 02:15

You are not alone and we all know how it feels just to want a cuddle to take it all away if only for a short while.

What you have being through this last week is too much for anyone to handle and although it must have being so hard for you to deal with i am so pleased your son spoke up about it.

On that note i do understand how you feel and if you want to pm me i can talk to you about how i understand and i really admire you for being so open on site and asking for help, which is always here for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-05-05, 02:36
I just missed you i am still about!!oh well anyway so sorry to hear about the situation with you little boy i find it hard to believe that a 14 year old did what he did...sick....is there anyway you can keep your kid away from the little perv as i fear if he can do that at 14 God knows what else he could do.
Have you told your x about this as he may come back to at least keep an eye on his children ( in Gods name i know i would) this is all not easy when depressed but as the police are of no use these days i would try citizens advice asap.
I hope you feel better soon and i send a cuddle......take care

22-05-05, 02:52

Pleased you pm me and you know if i can help i will and from my pm you will see that i do understand completely how you feel and i truly think you are handling this really well and being very strong about it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-05-05, 11:12
hi Beth,

Sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. We are all here for you and we will offer you all the support we can. Take care.

Sarah :D

22-05-05, 12:53
hi Beth,

so sorry you are going through this shi**y time right now. I can't pretend to understand what it must feel like but I would like to give you a hug! a virtual hug!! there, i hugged the computer too.. (i really did! i'm past caring about going mad now!)
I think its perfectly understandable that you feel down no matter where you are in your life, it sounds like the efexor has done a fantastic job, but they can't change what happens in life.
Chin up girly, you are doing so well!
take care,
lisa (fellow efexor taker!)

22-05-05, 13:29
lol thanku lisa, feeling better this morning, is great to be able to just get this out without worrying sabout what people think lol. am gna be positive today, is sunny and my ex is picking up my son for the day, am gna be strong and act as normal as i can witho9ut trying to guilt trip him. is time to move on and look towards the summer. diet and excercise time i think, always seems to help menatlly when i get back into going down the gym am just so lazy that its a motivation i need.. thanku for all ur support throughout the last few months everyone xx

beth xx

22-05-05, 22:12

What you are feeling is completely appropriate given the circumstances.

You be glad you can still 'feel' all this and not have it compltely masked by medication so you can deal with it bit by bit and get yourself sorted out.

You are allowed sad, self pity wallowy days especially with the events of the last few weeks..

Hope your day continued sunny..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-05-05, 22:35
Hi Beth

Pleased to hear from you and hope i can help you through this. I will be in touch and dont forget you are not alone and are coping very well considering the circumstances.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

23-05-05, 13:03
Hi Beth,

Sorry you are having such a bad time at the moment.

Big Hugs to you.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

23-05-05, 14:35
Hi Beth,

I think u have done really well coping with what has happened, there are some sick people about,

I do hope you are feeling a bit better,

take care

kairen x