View Full Version : I am new here, please could you help....

14-09-08, 20:21
I am new to this forum and would like to say hi to you all.

I do hope I can be reassured in some way please to the problem i have that is driving me sick with worry...
ok here goes
I went to the dentist about 10 months ago and they said due to gum disease that i would need a deep clean etc. Well i am petrified of the dentist and never went back.
I had and still have a weird mark on my gum that must have been there when i last saw the dentist, but for some reason my anxiety has spiralled about it to the point where i cannot eat or sleep and feel sick.
now this mark has been there for a long while but i looked on the internet about stuff on gums etc, and it came back with lots of horrible things i shouldnt have read and it has scared the life out of me basically.
I am going to pluck the courage up to see the dentist tomorrow thats if they will let me, but please can you look at this and say your honest opinion of what it is. I would be ever so grateful...
sorry the pic is big didnt know how to make it smaller.
I hope you can help me please
sam x

14-09-08, 20:57
I am so scared about this any help would really be appreciated right now. I keep thinking its cancer and cant get it out of my head, as most of you know when we get anxious over something like this its so hard to stop your mind from being silly....
oh why do i worry so much.
sam x

14-09-08, 21:51
Dont sam love thats normal on yer gum, dnt not google thats bad for u it makes me 100 times worse wiv my health anxiety . ive had gum diese wen i was pregnent and my gums look a lil like that hun not to worry!! do u go in to the chatrooms hun? if so ill c ya there or if u have msn add me kendricksbabygal@hotmail.com cya soon.gud luck wiv the dentist. love C.xx

14-09-08, 21:58
thank you C,
gosh i actually sighed a bit to hear you say it was normal and that your gums looked a bit like that when you had gum disease....
I unfortunately dont go in the chat rooms and dont have msn....
would love to stay in touch though and will let you know how i get on if the dentist will see me that is...
I just want to stop panicking over this, need to get my head in gear and relax and think positive thoughts...
you have given me a lot of reassurance thankyou....
sam x

14-09-08, 22:09
Looks like normal gum variation to me. I'm sure the dentist will be able to reassure you better though. Dentists are trained to look out for mouth cancer so would have picked it up when you last went if it was anything....

14-09-08, 22:21
I do hope its norm, and i am really sure it was there 10 months ago, although i am trying not to think too much about that cause then i start to doubt myself about if it was or wasnt there when i went...but it has been there a long time anyways and hasnt gone worse....
anxiety is an awful thing, i get it on and off and really have to fight it...I know its just the mind so i really try and fight the thoughts off, though sometimes it can be hard...
thanks again...
Sam x

14-09-08, 22:31
Something like that can happen through food even or can be to do with your genes. I have blue/black gums which is aparently genetic, even though nobody in my family has it.

14-09-08, 22:32
Do u have acne? Some medication can cause discolouration too

14-09-08, 22:40
hi Sallysdream,
thanks for that...No I don't have acne, so it cant be any meds...
I was just thinking that this seems to be the spot where i always tend to bump my gum ie when i am brushing them or i have caught it with my nail in the past etc.
could this be permanent damage like a bruise say, that has been there so long cause i have the gum disease?
I dunno clutching at straws perhaps, just as long as it isnt the thing I fear the most which is what i cant get out of my head right now.
Have your gums always been blue black?
sam x

Cathy V
14-09-08, 22:47
Hi there Sam, i would say from this pic that the marks are classic gum disease. I had it when i was pregnant with my youngest daughter who is now 20 and my gums looked like this too, as well as bleeding quite alot and very painful.

If the mark thats worrying you was seem by the dentist 10 months ago, it cant be anything sinister like cancer or he would have suggested more than a good clean up. They know what theyre looking at and know when there are signs of mouth cancer. Try not to worry too much.

Take care
Cathy V xxx

14-09-08, 22:53
hi Sallysdream,
thanks for that...No I don't have acne, so it cant be any meds...
I was just thinking that this seems to be the spot where i always tend to bump my gum ie when i am brushing them or i have caught it with my nail in the past etc.
could this be permanent damage like a bruise say, that has been there so long cause i have the gum disease?
I dunno clutching at straws perhaps, just as long as it isnt the thing I fear the most which is what i cant get out of my head right now.
Have your gums always been blue black?
sam x

Al long as I can remember, but only started to pick on them in my teens. Docs said it is normal. Don;t have any other teeth probs or fillings etc. therefore it probably is normal, but still don't like it. Guess yours is like a scaring maybe an aftermath of the gum disease?

14-09-08, 22:57
thanks cathy, so it does seem to sound like it is the gum disease....
this forum is so good, thank god i found it....
anxiety is a horrible thing and its nice to know your are not being judged or thought of as being stupid, and that people on here are going through exactly the same feelings...
hope to try and get some sleep tonight, i feel exhausted.
will just keep telling myself its the gum disease.
sam x

14-09-08, 23:00
Al long as I can remember, but only started to pick on them in my teens. Docs said it is normal. Don;t have any other teeth probs or fillings etc. therefore it probably is normal, but still don't like it. Guess yours is like a scaring maybe an aftermath of the gum disease?

hi sallysdream,
yep it does look like a scarring which is why i though perhaps i have banged it in the past and it just wont go now.
I still have the gum disease, so it could be that also....
I am so scared of the dentist but i need to get the courage to go back and sort them out, but i will ask if i can see her tomorrow and just show her this...
sam x

15-09-08, 13:45
hello again, just to let you know I have my dental appointment for 2moz 11:30.to check this mark on my gum and then i go again on frid to have to deep clean done.
so scared, hardly slept last night, dont know how i got through work today, have to go back again after as well....
i keep thinking the mark is something bad and cant get it out of my head, its awful....but i will just have to try and go with this.
thanks for trying to reassure me yeasterday it really did help up untill i wole early hours and had no one to talk to, thats when its hard.
sam x