View Full Version : Burning feeling under ribcage both sides - serious illness?

14-09-08, 20:42
Has anyone ever experienced this feeling of hotness/burning under lower ribcage, all around radiating to the sides? I am being treated for mild reflux - have had omeprazole for last three days, but this pain comes and goes. When I saw the gp the pain wasnt there (althought I told him about it), so he didnt seem concerned.

Worried if there is a problem with liver stomach or pancreas

Been looking stuff up on the net, but it only ever refers to specific left or right pain.

Any insights...

14-09-08, 21:55
Hi Nemo

I have had burning sensations around the ribcage too but mine is indegestion/heartburn:ohmy: .

Im sure if the pain comes and goes it wont be anything serious, if it was serious the pain would be there all the time:ohmy:

Have you tried changing your diet for a few days to see if it helps? or maybe try some indegestion/ remedies?


16-09-08, 18:39
Thanks for your reply. Its just that I thought with heartburn the pain would be higher up, not below the ribcage - so I thought that my pain was unrelated to the heartburn. The pain I get definately just comes and goes not there all the time, so I guess you are right. Sometimes I loose all sense of logic, and what is just a minor symptoms I barely notice one day, becomes in my mind a "life threatening illness" the next.. I always say to myself, once the pain or problem is "cured" that I will never worry about another symptom again... but then the next symptom comes and thats it.. the cycle starts again.. like so many of us on this forum.
Thank you again for your support

16-09-08, 18:57
No, its a misnomer really, because heartburn can occur anywhere from top of throat right down to under right ribcage. your stomach is nestled in to the left lower part of your ribcage, and goes into the small intestine under your right bit of rib cage, so you can get heartburn anywhere there. if it is heartburn, you should seee an improvementquite quickly with antacids. Alternatively, it could be muscular, from tensing your ribs if you are worried.

16-09-08, 20:12
Thanks so much for this information, its all perfectly logical! I really thought heartburn was in the throat. Anyway Ive on prescribed medication for heartburn for a week and starting to notice an improvement, Im on it for 28 days in total so hopefully all will be back to normal soon. Thanks again, it helps to understand whats going on with the heartburn.

16-09-08, 23:22
Just wanted to say this was one of my main anxiety symptoms, especially during or after panic attacks.
I went to the doctor and they listened to my chest and had a good poke around and said it was because of this!
Glad your feeling better anyway

17-09-08, 00:01
Lovely to hear things have improved for you Nemo:hugs:
